English translation

Thread: English translation

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  1. miss g said:

    Default English translation

    Can someone transtate this text into english??

    Dokunma Kalsın

    esti bir ayrılık rüzgarı
    anladım gidiyorsun
    düşlerimi yakarak
    sanma sen gidince yalnız
    bir başıma kalırım
    bir başıma umutsuz

    dokunma kalsın gömleğimde kokun
    koynumda suskun resmin kanasın

    sürmez ayrılığın acısı
    uzun sürmez inan geçip gider zamanla
    yalnız söyle bana sevgilim
    bir yıldız nasıl yaşar hep kendini yakarak
    hadi git artık yolun açık olsun
    pencerende güller sararsın solsun

    dokunma kalsın gömleğimde kokun
    koynumda suskun resmin kanasın
    Last edited by miss g; 09-17-2012 at 11:28 PM.
  2. maximilianxs's Avatar

    maximilianxs said:


    Don't touch it, Leave it just like that

    A wind of breaking blowed,
    I see that you are leaving.
    Burning up all my dreams,
    Just know that
    I won't be all alone when you leave
    I won't be desperated at all.

    Don't touch it, leave my shirt with your smell.
    The picture of you is in my heart, let it bleed!

    Pain of breaking won't last up
    Belive me I'll get over soon.
    But Just tell me, my lover,
    How can a star keep living while burning himself down?
    Good luck, go and chase your way.
    I hope all those roses will fade away.

    Don't touch it, leave my shirt with your smell.
    The picture of you is in my heart, let it bleed!
    Last edited by maximilianxs; 09-22-2012 at 02:43 AM.
  3. miss g said:


    Thank you so much for good translation )