
Thread: Duality

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  1. The Bald Guy said:

    Default Duality

    I am the ying, you are the yang
    You are creation, I am the big bang
    We oppose each other for eternity
    But we need each other -- Duality

    I love the Dark, you shine a light
    You lean left, and I veer right
    We fight for dominance, we can't agree
    But we are the balance -- Duality

    We've done this dance since the beginning of time
    You've kept the beat while I've carried the rhyme
    Through evolution and revolution, for supremacy we vie
    We complete this circle -- You and I

    I am the ebb, you are the flow
    You are the dove, I am the crow
    We are the best and worst of humanity
    We got all sides covered -- Duality

    I am the love, you are the hate
    You are the fallen one, I can't relate
    We both claim the throne of divinity
    Eden to ashes from our duality

    You hold your Darwin, I clutch my rosary
    To each our own -- Duality


    1st verse repeats

    Chorus 3x then out.
  2. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    Love this.This is how I should have written "Opposites Attract".I think there's even an exact match on a line or two.Great minds think alike!
  3. Jim Colyer's Avatar

    Jim Colyer said:


    I understand this song pefectly. There is a paradox at the heart of everything.
  4. The Bald Guy said:


    Thanks guys...