Female artist/song from 2008-2012 a about - latin kind of lastname

Thread: Female artist/song from 2008-2012 a about - latin kind of lastname

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  1. Renner said:

    Exclamation Female artist/song from 2008-2012 a about - latin kind of lastname

    Allright ..

    - Artist might be from scandinavia .. might .. like 10% sure
    - I guess an album came out about during mentioned years because the song was played on radios.
    - The lastname is same as some latin/asian countrys leader/former leader..
    - The songs/albums name is something like rumble/rattle/earthquake/ . you know what i mean. Songs or albums name describes something similar
    - Not superstar popular artist, a dozen radio artist.

    Ideas, suggestions ?

    Appreciate it.

  2. bugmenot1 said:


    This singer is from Iceland:

    "Jungle Drum" by Emiliana Torrini
  3. Renner said:


    It was Imelda May - Mayhem