Help me find an old song...

Thread: Help me find an old song...

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  1. Majingbu said:

    Default Help me find an old song...

    Okay, so I'm looking for a hilarious song that I heard years ago and for the life of me I can't seem to find it by title OR lyrics...

    The segment of lyrics that I remember went something like this:

    'And his feet shot into the air,
    scared the hell out of everyone there.
    And Milligan said "Damn you Billy you silly old fool
    now you really unpickled our dills.
    We'll all be gettin' our fill of the will,
    cause you killed our uncle William."

    another segment:

    "Hars and Finnigan said "Looking grim,
    It's a terrible joke and I'm sure it's a sin.
    And your thirty-five hookers will never quite win
    on the heart of your poor, old dead uncle William.
    And Milligan said "Damn you Billy you silly old fool
    now you really unpickled our dills.
    We'll all be gettin' our fill of the will
    cause you killed our uncle William."

    Strange sounding song, I know, but if ANYONE knows it's title, who it's by, or where I can get it, that'd be awesome! Thanks

  2. maria087 said:


    it sounds a bit like "finnegan's wake" an irish comic song; with songs like this there could be a few versions or adaptions from the original.