Reyhan Karaca - Aman Diyorum

Thread: Reyhan Karaca - Aman Diyorum

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  1. Thin Air's Avatar

    Thin Air said:

    Arrow Reyhan Karaca - Aman Diyorum

    I've just come back from an amazing holiday from Turkey with a couple of friends and I must say, I've really enjoyed my time there (as always). We were followed by the sounds of Turkish music wherever we went. One of them is this catchy, interesting, hip club track by Reyhan Karaca. The song is called, "Aman Diyorum" and I'm just dying to know what this song speaks of. So could some kindly \translate it for me?

    Aman Diyorum /

    İçini dökmeye çoktan hazırsa bulutlar /
    İstemesende yağma desende yağmur yağar /
    Belkide hiç kimse beni üzmedi senin kadar /
    Yapma desende gitme desende bitti buraya kadar /

    Kendime bir süre aşkı /
    Yok aman diyorum /
    Son bir öpücük sana benden /
    İyi günler diyorum /

    Ezbere konuşmak için geç kaldık biliyor /
    Son sözlerim ama sen gül geç /
    Giden gidiyor /

    Thank you in advance.
  2. wisalias's Avatar

    wisalias said:


    Aman Diyorum / I say aman*

    İçini dökmeye çoktan hazırsa bulutlar // if the clouds are already ready to discharge (disburden)
    İstemesen de yağma desen de yağmur yağar // it rains even if you don't want, even if you say "don't rain"
    Belki de hiç kimse beni üzmedi senin kadar // maybe noone sadden (depressed) me as much as you did
    Yapma desen de gitme desen de bitti buraya kadar // it's ended, it's over even if you say "don't do", even if you say "don't go (leave)"

    Kendime bir süre aşkı // to myself, love, for a while
    Yok aman diyorum // i say aman* (to myself) for love for a while
    Son bir öpücük sana benden // a last kiss from me to you
    İyi günler diyorum // (and) i say "good bye"

    Ezbere konuşmak için geç kaldık biliyor // he knows it's too late to talk from memories
    Son sözlerim ama sen gül geç // (these are) my last words but smile and don't bother
    Giden gidiyor // (cos) the one who goes (wants to go) is going (leaving)

    * aman= it's like "oh no" or promising not to do sth..
  3. Thin Air's Avatar

    Thin Air said:


    Great, thank you kindly Wisalias.

    I see that you're new on here since I was always on this website asking for translation, reading other song translations and engaging in meaningful discussions before I went to Turkey for holidays. Anyways, a big warm welcome to this forum. I'm glad to see that we now have your kindness and contributions on here as well.
  4. wisalias's Avatar

    wisalias said:


    thanks a lot for your kind words thin air... these encouraging texts made me a member of this wonderful friendship