HELP With A Spanish Song

Thread: HELP With A Spanish Song

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  1. musicman200 said:

    Default HELP With A Spanish Song

    Anyone hear listens to Spanish music? I heard a song in Spanish that sounded real good. Unfortunately I don't know a lick of Spanish. All I can describe it is it was very, very fast and upbeat. Didn't sound quite like rap, but perhaps it was similiar.

    I tried to jot down a few words, but I don't know Spanish so all I could write was what it sounded like:

    esta como one part of the song

    una mina another part of the song

    ANY IDEA???
  2. maria_mx's Avatar

    maria_mx said:


    It is hard with just this information sorry I would like to help u
    [bold]Music....... A way to show our feelings[/b]
  3. said:


    Yeap Mission Impossible!!! too little information.. sorry :-(