song name translation

Thread: song name translation

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  1. gyzemus's Avatar

    gyzemus said:

    Default song name translation

    Hi friends. For a radio program which is broadcasting Greek songs in Turkey,I need some meanings of a some songs. Can you translate me as soon as possible,please? Tomorrow, these will be talked during the program and I need them quick.
    If you can, I will be very happy.
    What are the meanings of these speeches?
    - Pou 'Sai Thanasi
    - Sina
    - Και ο μήνας έχει εννιά
    - Ηλιοβασίλεμα σωστό
    Εύχομαι και στα δικά σου
    - Apokleiete
    - Ελενίτσα
    - Κέρασέ μας βρε Μανώλη
    - Den eisai edw
    - Mia Zoi Mesa Stous Dromus
    - Ta Smyrneika tragoudia

    Also,you can listen " " every Saturday between 4 pm.- 5 pm.. Thank you
  2. y!'s Avatar

    y! said:


    - Pou 'Sai Thanasi - Where are you Thanasi?
    - Apokleiete - Out of the question ('No way')
    - Den eisai edw - You are not here
    - Mia Zoi Mesa Stous Dromus - Whole life on streets (literal translation is 'One life on streets')
    - Ta Smyrneika tragoudia - The Smyrnaian songs ('The songs from Smyrna')

    about other songs I am not sure, so it's better some greek translate it
  3. gyzemus's Avatar

    gyzemus said:


    Thank you very much y!
    you made me relax.I'll use these speeches.