Living Dream... comment please

Thread: Living Dream... comment please

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  1. Mike...18 said:

    Default Living Dream... comment please

    comment and let me know what u think... thanks

    I’m walking a fine line
    In my sleep
    I see the end
    It looks so deep
    This dream just may become
    My reality

    A loss of air in my lungs
    I think its time to pass on
    A new life waits
    The white light
    It doesn’t seem to fade

    Here it comes
    Your hand reaching for me
    When we meet at the eye
    You will see the fear
    That lies deep within
    And the screams begin

    Breathing hard
    My lungs fill with air
    Back on this earth
    And my dreams become fears
  2. atmaestro's Avatar

    atmaestro said:


    The beginning appears to be just clichés strung together. While U2 was able to create a hit song with the same motif ("With Or Without You"), I struggled to connect with the subject of your poem. My recommendation would be to change the style of your poem to emulate the ending and modify some verses to help the reader to "see" what you're "seeing".
    Them that can, do; them that can't... memorize Artist and Title
  3. Jester's Avatar

    Jester said:


    Some of the best songs don't have the listener knowing exactly what's going on.
  4. music fanatic's Avatar

    music fanatic said:


    I think it's good but i'm a little confused about what it means. If you added more detail about whats going on, and have it almost be an entire story with a begin middle and end it would be great. Right now, it kind of just drifts on without an end, making it unclear what your trying to comunicate in these lyrics. If you want to have it still give off questions to the listener at the end, I think you should still have a deffined end or cliff hanger. I hope this gave you some idea's, good luck!
  5. Jester's Avatar

    Jester said:


    it sounds more like a poem than lyrics to me...

    Maybe if you spoke them over soft music (think Private Investigations by Dire Straits) rather than sung them it'd sound better.
  6. lyricsfromtheheart's Avatar

    lyricsfromtheheart said:


    i kind of liked it. but it was kinda a little boring and there was no great hook but after rereading it i got the meaning. great job!