TRiplettes de Belleville soundtrack - "Cieco cieco barber"

Thread: TRiplettes de Belleville soundtrack - "Cieco cieco barber"

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  1. pippirrup's Avatar

    pippirrup said:

    Default TRiplettes de Belleville soundtrack - "Cieco cieco barber"

    This is the song from an awesome movie "Triplets from Belleville". It sounds hillarious but I don't know what it means (excerpt for single words like lasagna and Toronto) Would appreciate if someone translated it into English or Polish.

    Zito maccherone
    sono barbiere un po' più cieco
    e c'ho le palle di un grosso toro pronto.

    Un toro seduto
    che grida "alè guagliò"
    e a cavallo su un tarallo vola a Toronto.
    Sulla scala di Milano
    un guascon napolitano
    scappa senza scarpe a cavallo.

    Tutto non voler...
    tutto non chieder...
    e lui grande guaglione e se ne va..

    Possessione ossessione
    ossobuco pantalone
    ha mia moglie militare
    "ma non mi spare"(?)

    Ha l'illusione di stagione
    dell'amore in cucina,
    pazzo con il mazzo nella farina.

    Un macellaio incazzato
    che bordello, ah che guaio!
    con parrucca scaloppina bruciatina.

    Questa è la verità... è la vita mia,
    e i capelli si riveriterà.

    Elvis italiano con le basette di lasagna
    canta un formaggio un giorno di maggio:

    l'alpinismo, realismo,
    ditoni mambo e capo di Bombay.

    I fagioli mi fanno loffa,
    farete un po' di dolce, Genivoffa?
    Senza scarpe di Cosa Nostra,
    a cavallo su un tarallo
    un barbiere cieco cieco
    attenzione o il pennello vi rompe le palle.


    Zito maccherone
    sono barbiere cieco cieco
    e c'ho le palle di un grosso toro pronto.
    Un toro seduto,
    che grida: "Alè, guagliò"
    e a cavallo su un tarallo vola a Toronto.
    Sulla scala di Milano
    un guascon napolitano
    scappa senza scarpe a cavallo.

    Tutto non voler...
    tutto non chieder...
    e lui grande guaglione se ne va...

    Tutto non voler...
    tutto non chieder...
    e lui grande guaglione se ne va!!!
    remember 'bout adding to my reputation;>
  2. Regenbogen<3's Avatar

    Regenbogen<3 said:


    This song dosen't really make much sense even in italian, maybe the translation is not perfect beacuse there are a lot of words who come from neapolitan dialect.. and i'm from milan

    Zito maccherone
    i’m a barber a little bit more serious
    And I have the balls (I don’t know if the singer really means “balls” or something else cause I don’t know the song ) of a big ready bull

    A sitting bull
    who screams “hey guy!”
    and riding a horse flies to Toronto
    on the “Scala di Milano” (I don’t know how to translate it cause it’s a very famous theatre in Milan :] )
    A Neapolitan Gascon
    runs away without shoes riding a horse

    To not want anything
    To not ask anything
    It’s him great boy and goes away

    Possession, Obsession
    carpal, trousers
    has got my military wife
    “ma non mi spare” (I really don’t know what it means O.O)

    Has got the seasonal illusion
    Of love in the kitchen
    crazy with his deck in the flour

    An angry butcher
    what a mess! What a trouble!
    with wig, escalope, burnt

    That’s the truth, that’s my life
    and it will take to new life my hair

    Italian Elvis with sideburns made of lasagna
    sings cheese on a day of may:

    mountaineering, realism,
    big finger, mambo and cape of Bombay
    Beans make me fart
    Are you going to make a bit of cake, Genivoffa?
    without shoes of “cosa nostra” (Italian mafia)
    on a horse on a tarallo
    a blind blind barber
    warning or the brush will bother you

    Zito maccherone
    i’m a barber a little bit more serious
    And I have the balls
    of a big ready bull
    A sitting bull
    who screams “hey guy!”
    and riding a horse flies to Toronto
    on the “Scala di Milano”
    A Neapolitan Gascon
    runs away without shoes riding a horse

    To not want anything
    To not ask anything
    It’s him great boy and goes away

    To not want anything
    To not ask anything
    It’s him great boy and goes away
  3. pippirrup's Avatar

    pippirrup said:


    Thanks I didn't expect it would make much sense, so don't worry It looks a bit like "Mrs Dalloway", "Ulyssess" by Jamse Joyce or some other modernist bullshit I think it's all only about the rhymes. Anyway, thank you once again, I think I will learn the lyrics by heart and sing along with the record while doing the washing-up And I highly recomend you the movie "Triplets from Belleville" itself.
    remember 'bout adding to my reputation;>
  4. Regenbogen<3's Avatar

    Regenbogen<3 said:


    you're welcome :]
    yes i think you're right because there are a lot of rhymes without sense
    and if i'll have the chance i will watch the movie :]