house of cards

Thread: house of cards

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  1. maxi's Avatar

    maxi said:

    Default house of cards

    you've given me a whole new world
    a world that holds a house of cards
    but our house of cards is strong

    my mind keeps saying it's wrong
    it says the house of cards must go
    the house of cards, the word it's wrong

    and when I get back from school
    after people calling me a tool
    I search and seek my way to
    you, you

    our clouds and leaves are pure
    it's our world, it's built on true
    green and white and red and blue to you

    to you is where I seek my shelter
    to you is where I tell my tales
    to you is where I feel happy

    to you is where I feel myself
    much better

    living in our house of cards
    I promised I would drown myself in mystic heated wine
  2. zoniq's Avatar

    zoniq said:


    its cool i like it..
  3. maxi's Avatar

    maxi said:


    I promised I would drown myself in mystic heated wine