Earth shattering news

Thread: Earth shattering news

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  1. Padawan said:

    Default Earth shattering news

    Ok guys. I know the moderators are gonna move this to the original post, but i needed this to be front and centre. I am almost trembling as i stumbled upon the tune i have been looking for an eternity. I new i would find it one day. Listen to this link and click ahead to 5:30 / 9:39 and that is the track i have been looking for. This has been incorporated into break beats. So ignore all the base and beats in the background and follow the oriental jingle. I am looking for the original track and artist. This is the song. I repeat this is the song. Listen up guys. Now can you find the artist and the name of this song. I am trembling. Now you guys can compare my pathetic recorded track to the real deal. I know one of you will be able to help me now. What a New Years present to be able to stumble upon this track. I have never searched for something so long in my life. No Joke! Happy New Years guys.
  2. Fiona M.D.'s Avatar

    Fiona M.D. said:



    i think u r looking for this song... Stevie B - Round N Round

    Happy Holidays!
    Sin Firma
  3. Padawan said:


    Nope that is not it Fiona. Thanks though