Alanis Morissette - That particular time => Serbian

Thread: Alanis Morissette - That particular time => Serbian

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  1. lorelai_g87's Avatar

    lorelai_g87 said:

    Default Alanis Morissette - That particular time => Serbian

    my foundation was rocked, my tried and true way to deal was to vanish
    my departures were old, I stood in the room shaking in my boots
    at that particular time love had challenged me to stay
    at that particular moment I knew not run away again
    that particular month I was ready to investigate with you
    at that particular time

    we thought a break would be good, for four months we sat and vacillated
    we thought a small time apart would clear up the doubts that were abounding
    at that particular time love encouraged me to wait
    at that particular moment it helped me to be patient
    that particular month we needed time to marinate in what us meant

    I've always wanted for you what you've wanted for yourself
    and yet I wanted to save us high water or hell
    and I kept on ignoring the ambivalence you felt
    and in the meantime I lost myself
    in the meantime I lost myself
    I'm sorry I lost myself - I am

    you knew you needed more time time spent alone with no distraction
    you felt you needed to fly solo and high to definewhat you wanted
    at that particular time love encouraged me to leave
    at that particular moment I knew staying with you meant deserting me
    that particular month was harder than you'd believe but I still left
    at that particular time after death...
  2. dorkas's Avatar

    dorkas said:


    That particular time - Taj odredjeni trenutak

    my foundation was rocked, my tried and true way to deal was to vanish / Moj temelj (tlo pod nogama ) se zaljuljalo , moj isproban i prirodan nacin suocavanja je bio da nestanem
    my departures were old, I stood in the room shaking in my boots / moji odlasci su bili stari, stajala sam u sobi , tresuci se u mojim cizmama
    at that particular time love had challenged me to stay / u tom odredjenom trenutku ljubav me je izazvala da ostanem
    at that particular moment I knew not run away again / u tom odredjenom momentu znala sam da ponovo ne pobegnem
    that particular month I was ready to investigate with you / tog odredjenog meseca bila sam spremna da istrazujem sa tobom
    at that particular time / u tom odredjenom trenutku

    we thought a break would be good, for four months we sat and vacillated / mislili smo da ce pauza biti dobra, cetiri meseca smo sedeli i premisljali se
    we thought a small time apart would clear up the doubts that were abounding/ mislili smo da ce kratko vreme koje smo bili razdvojeni obrisati sumnje koje su navirale
    at that particular time love encouraged me to wait / u tom odredjenom trenutku ljubav me je ohrabrila da cekam
    at that particular moment it helped me to be patient / u tom odredjenom trenutku pomogla mi je da budem strpljiva
    that particular month we needed time to marinate in what "us" meant / u tom odredjenom mesecu trebalo nam je vremena da se stopimo (?) u ono sto je predstavljalo "nas" ( not really happy with this one)

    I've always wanted for you what you've wanted for yourself and yet I wanted to save us high water or hell / uvek sam zelela za tebe ono sto si sam sebi zeleo, pa ipak sam htela da nas spasim plime ili pakla
    and I kept on ignoring the ambivalence you felt / i nastavljala sam da ignorisem tvoja pomesna osecanja
    and in the meantime I lost myself / i u medjuvremenu izgubila sam sebe
    in the meantime I lost myself / u medjuvremenu izgubila sam sebe
    I'm sorry I lost myself - I am / zao mi je ,izgubila sam sebe-zao mi je

    you knew you needed more time time spent alone with no distraction / znao si da ti je trebalo vise vremena samo za sebe , bez smetnji
    you felt you needed to fly solo and high to define what you wanted / osecao si da treba da letis sam i visoko da bi odredio sta hoces
    at that particular time love encouraged me to leave / u tom odredjenom trenutku ljubav me je ohrabrila da odem
    at that particular moment I knew staying with you meant deserting me/ u tom odredjenom trenutku znala sam da ostati sa tobom znacilo napustiti mene
    that particular month was harder than you'd believe but I still left / taj odredjeni mesec je bio tezi nego sto mozes da zamislis, ali sam ipak otisla
    at that particular time / u tom odredjenom trenutku

    Hope it helped!