Zeljko Joksimovic songs translations

Thread: Zeljko Joksimovic songs translations

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  1. Joke123's Avatar

    Joke123 said:

    Default Zeljko Joksimovic songs translations


    I recentely bought a cd of Zeljko Joksimovic, and I like his Music very much. One problem: I don’t understand Serbian. There’s this one song, ‘Brate moj’, I like VERY much and I really want to know what the translation is. Is there someone who can translate it for me please? I think this song is not been translated yet. I can tell you already that I will ask for more translations in the future of him.

    THANKS already
    Greets from Belgium, Joke

    Brate moj, sve sto imam ja, sam dao njoj
    i tebe cu, a znam da zelicu, zadji poklon svoj
    ja dacu njoj ruku za kraj, dve sa oprostaj,

    Pozurite, produzite i pak javite se broj moj znate
    samo molim te, pazi kako mi je vozis, brate moj,
    kad vidis me da ti ja na putom negde stojim kazi
    brate ko da ne postojim.

    Brate moj, budi dobar uvjek prema njoj cuvaj je ti
    za mene nebrini, i da trazim je ti reci ne, samo budi
    grup moli te tvoj drug.

    Pozurite, produzite i pak javite se broj moj znate
    samo molim te, pazi kako mi je vozis, brate moj,
    kad vidis me da ti ja na putom negde stojim kazi
    brate ko da ne postojim.
    This is the hardest thing
    Just let go of your hand
    it's the hardest thing
    To make you understand
    that to love you fell you
    Till the time I see you again
    It's the hardest thing
  2. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    Hi Joke, the song has already been translated just click on the link for the translation: Zeljko Joksimovic - K'o da ne postojim
  3. Joke123's Avatar

    Joke123 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by MayGoLoco View Post
    Hi Joke, the song has already been translated just click on the link for the translation: Zeljko Joksimovic - K'o da ne postojim
    Hi, ow, sorry, I didn't see it. Thanks for the link!!

    This is the hardest thing
    Just let go of your hand
    it's the hardest thing
    To make you understand
    that to love you fell you
    Till the time I see you again
    It's the hardest thing
  4. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    you're welcome