tranlate to english please!

Thread: tranlate to english please!

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  1. shadonthalite44 said:

    Default tranlate to english please!

    Que hermoso fue conocerte
    regalarte mi amor, mi carino y sobre todo mi vida eterna
    mi amor por que no he conocido algo mas hermoso y bello que tu amor
    sobre todo por que en este amor encontre la felicidad de tener una
    famila linda, con educacion, respeto y sobre todo el amor de tu y yo que se ensierra en ese ser que llevas dentro toda via el sera toda nuestra felicidad y no solo para ti y para mi si no para mi familia y la tuya por que el sera el mejor nieto que puedan tener lo amoran tanto como nosotros a el y com yo ati
    te amo mi amor.

    thanks in advance
  2. Aya's Avatar

    Aya said:


    How beautiful it was to know you,
    I give you my love, my caring and all of my life eternally.
    My love, I've never known anything more beautiful and great than your love.
    In this love I found the joy of having a beautiful family, with education, respect and above everything this love between me and you that holds us and we will carry our happiness inside us all the way. And not only for you and for me, if not for my family and for your family, it will be for the best grandchild that can have as much love and commitment to him as I have for you.
    I love you, my love.