Tamer Hosni, Yara, Ramy Ayash, Ganat, and Haytham Shaker - Omy Thoma Omy

Thread: Tamer Hosni, Yara, Ramy Ayash, Ganat, and Haytham Shaker - Omy Thoma Omy

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  1. Yara Sabri's Avatar

    Yara Sabri said:

    Default Tamer Hosni, Yara, Ramy Ayash, Ganat, and Haytham Shaker - Omy Thoma Omy

    Omy Thoma Omy is a very nice song sang but Yara, Jannar, Tamer Hosny, Ramy Aysh and Hytahm and I was wondering if someone could please translate the lyrics for me and write them in this format? I have posted the lyrics below

    Arabic in English font

    Thank you in advance


    ba3d al 7ob da eh..ely te3mel kol da testahel eh
    ba3d al 7ob da eh..ely tedy 7anan keda men 3´er 7esab
    nebos al torab ely mashya 3aleh

    omy thoma omy le7ad akher yom fe 3omry
    7odn men awel 7ayaty we hamo hamy
    ely katar kherha dab kherha fe damy we 3ayesh beh

    ba3d al om fe eh..da3wa 7elwa fat7a seka me2afela
    ba3d al om fe eh..yehdy balo ely da3yalo
    al donya kolaha mafto7alo we radya 3aleh

    omy thoma omy le7ad akher yom fe 3omry
    7odn men awel 7ayaty we hamo hamy
    ely katar kherha dab kherha fe damy we 3ayesh beh

    a3melaha temsal..ely tebet albaha fo2 al khayal
    a3melaha temsal..ely sehret we ely te3bet we ely rabet
    we ely shalt 7eml gebal

    omy thoma omy le7ad akher yom fe 3omry
    7odn men awel 7ayaty we hamo hamy
    ely katar kherha dab kherha fe damy we 3ayesh beh

    law ha3melek eh..testahly meet alf 3ed 3ala ely 3amalteh
    law ha3melek eh..men fe ta3aby seher manamshy
    meen fe awel mara bamshy sanadt 3aleh

    omy thoma omy le7ad akher yom fe 3omry
    7odn men awel 7ayaty we hamo hamy
    ely katar kherha dab kherha fe damy we 3ayesh beh

    ba3d ely 3amalteh..a3mel eh yom fe ely wasalteny leeh
    ba3d ely 3amalteh..men 7ananek men sama7tek
    al gana ta7tek da ely rabena 2al 3aleh

    omy thoma omy le7ad akher yom fe 3omry
    7odn men awel 7ayaty we hamo hamy
    ely katar kherha dab kherha fe damy we 3ayesh beh
  2. LoOlya's Avatar

    LoOlya said:


    Hey, I did my best !
    Holy Song !

    بعد الحب ده ايه ، الي تعمل كل ده تستاهل ايه
    ba3d al 7ob da eh..ely te3mel kol da testahel eh
    what will be after this love, who do all of that what does she worth ?
    بعد الحب ده ايه ، الي تدي حنان مدة من غير حساب
    ba3d al 7ob da eh..ely tedy 7anan keda men 3´er 7esab
    after that love, who gives love to us without any interviewee
    نبوس التراب الي ماشية عليه
    nebos al torab ely mashya 3aleh
    we should kiss the sand that she's walking on

    أمي ثم أمي لحد آخر يوم في عمري
    omy thoma omy le7ad akher yom fe 3omry
    my mother, and my mother until the last day in my life
    حضن من اول حياتي و همو همي
    7odn men awel 7ayaty we hamo hamy

    it's a hug for me when i came to this life, and it's preoccupation\problem is my preoccupation\problem
    الي كتر خيرها داب خيرها في دمي و عايش بيه
    ely katar kherha dab kherha fe damy we 3ayesh beh

    she's good, and her goodness is in my blood and it's living in it (in me )

    بعد الأم في ايه ، دعوى حلوة فاتحة سكة مقفلة
    ba3d al om fe eh..da3wa 7elwa fat7a seka me2afela
    who's after mother, nice pray (from her for me) to open my closed ways
    بعد الأم في ايه ، يهدي بالو الي داعيالو
    ba3d al om fe eh..yehdy balo ely da3yalo
    who's after mother, to make his mind calm down because of prayers
    الدنيا كلها مفتوحالو و راضية عليه
    al donya kolaha mafto7alo we radya 3aleh
    whole this world has opened because of his mother's contentedness


    أعملها تمثال ، الي طيبة قلبها فوق الخيال
    a3melaha temsal..ely tebet albaha fo2 al khayal
    I do a figurine for her, that her heart's goodness more than you can imagine
    أعملها تمثال ، الي سهرت و الي تعبت و الي ربت
    a3melaha temsal..ely sehret we ely te3bet we ely rabet

    i do a figurine for her, that she stayed a wake and got tired
    و الي شالت هم جبال
    we ely shalt 7eml gebal
    and that she bore problems on her shoulders


    لو هاعملك ايه ، تستاهلي مية ألف عيد على الي عملتيه
    law ha3melek eh..testahly meet alf 3ed 3ala ely 3amalteh
    what ever i can do to you, you worth a hundred Party\ Eid\ happiness because all what you've done
    لو هاعملك ايه ، مين في تعبي سهر ما نامش
    law ha3melek eh..men fe ta3aby seher manamshy
    what ever i can do to you, who stayed a wake when i got tired( was sick) and didn't sleep
    مين في اول مرة بمشي سندت عليه
    meen fe awel mara bamshy sanadt 3aleh
    for whom i was relying when i was trying to walk for the first time

    بعد الي عملتيه ، أعمل ايه في الي وصلتيني ليه
    ba3d ely 3amalteh..a3mel eh yom fe ely wasalteny leeh
    after all you've done, what can i do after what you did to me
    بعد الي عملتيه ، من حنانك من سماحتك
    ba3d ely 3amalteh..men 7ananek men sama7tek
    after all you've done, from your love and forgiving
    الجنة تحتك دي الي ربنا قال عليه
    al gana ta7tek da ely rabena 2al 3aleh
    the Heaven is under you, that what God said

    Syria ♥
    لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
    Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor.
  3. Yara Sabri's Avatar

    Yara Sabri said:


    Thank You So Much!!!!

    Love It You Are The Best!!!

    Best Regards!!
  4. LoOlya's Avatar

    LoOlya said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Yara Sabri View Post
    Thank You So Much!!!!

    Love It You Are The Best!!!

    Best Regards!!
    You're most welcome dear !!
    I'm glad for that !!
    Thanks alot ! (F)
    Syria ♥
    لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
    Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor.