quick question...

Thread: quick question...

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  1. psetto727's Avatar

    psetto727 said:

    Default quick question...

    Hello everyone! i was just wondering if anyone can tell me if the song "Akher Marrah" that Nawal Al Zoghbi sings is actually her song or is it someone elses song that she redid? My friend is telling me that it is originally Abdel Halim's song but im not sure.. does anyone know? Thanks!
  2. Tahira's Avatar

    Tahira said:


    in the "information part " it says composed by Waleed Saad

    ..oh and I found this - read it to the end: http://tabbouchemusic.blogspot.com/
  3. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    It's Nawal's song.. Abdel Halim has a song called Awel Marra maybe your friend is getting that confused? And he also has a song called El7elwa and there is a part that goes "awel mara 2abeltak feeha" but other than that his lyrics and music are completely different so as far as I know.. your friend is wrong
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  4. psetto727's Avatar

    psetto727 said:


    Thank you all for your help! i really appreciate it! God bless!