Helena Paparizou - Moro Mou translation found

Thread: Helena Paparizou - Moro Mou translation found

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  1. asasas said:

    Post Helena Paparizou - Moro Mou translation found

    My baby

    You broke my defense
    and I can't resist
    I have been perplexed in your web
    My heart beats like crazy
    and all I think is you
    I surrender my body and soul...

    My baby, I'm dying
    I go in hell
    My baby, I want you
    even if I get burned..

    Now the rocks fell
    and I'm giving myself to you
    I'm under your orders(I'm your subject)
    in your own net
    I leave a pray
    and to escape it is late

    My baby, I'm dying
    I go in hell
    My baby, I want you
    even if I get burned..
    My baby I'm dying
    I get naked in flames
    for you, I'm dying,I admit it

    My heart beats like crazy
    and all I think is you
    I surrender my body and soul...

    My baby, I'm dying
    I go in hell
    My baby, I want you
    even if I get burned..
    My baby I'm dying
    I get naked in flames
    for you, I'm dying,I admit it
    Last edited by asasas; 02-24-2010 at 07:57 AM.