Majida al Roumi - El qalb el maftouh [*]

Thread: Majida al Roumi - El qalb el maftouh [*]

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  1. Justmeish's Avatar

    Justmeish said:

    Wink Majida al Roumi - El qalb el maftouh [*]

    Wondering if anyone would be able to translate this song for me. Also, I'm not sure if the arabic lyrics have the song title in it, and I'm also wondering what the title of the song means (el qalb el maftouh).

    عندما يدخلون قلبك الجريح يا حبيبي
    أتراهم يقرأون فيه اسمي؟
    ما أجمل الاسماء
    نكتبها بنبض قلوبنا
    ولا أطباء ولا جراح!!!
    فقل لهم: حذار
    وليرفقوا بالاسماء
    وليتركوها... كلها هناك
    قصائد حب لا يسدُّها هم
    ولا يلغيها نسيان
    هي كلها
    قصائد الحب الكبير الذي عشناه
    قصائد الحب الوحيد الذي كُنــَّاه
    ما أجمل الاسماء
    نكتبها بنبض قلوبنا
    ولا أطباء ولا جراح!!!
    A symphony of aching produced is beauty over music stopped.
  2. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:


    Very nice song . The title means the open heart and the lyrics go :

    Maybe tomorrow
    When they enter(open) your hurt(sick) heart oh my love
    will the read my name on it ?
    The most beautiful name !
    That was written by the pulses of our hearts............

    I will try to finish the translation this week end. I just need a couple of days ok ?
    Last edited by gbasfora; 10-02-2011 at 02:34 AM.
  3. Justmeish's Avatar

    Justmeish said:


    Quote Originally Posted by gbasfora View Post
    I will try to finish the translation this week end. I just need a couple of days ok ?
    I don't mind waiting, and thank you for offering to help translate this for me. I love Majida's music, and this song particularly is powerful, and makes me more curious than usual to know what she is singing. Thanks for your help. At least I know what the title means, and a little of the song :-)
    A symphony of aching produced is beauty over music stopped.
  4. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:


    Here is my attempt : (already corrected)

    غدا غداً
    ghadan ghadan
    Tomorrow, tomorrow

    عندما يدخلون قلبك الجريح يا حبيبي
    3aindama yadkhoulouna qalbak aljaree7 ya 7abeebi
    Oh my love , when they open your injured heart

    أتراهم يقرأون فيه اسمي؟
    Atourahoum yaqraouna feehi ismy ?
    Is there any chance of reading my name in it ?

    ما أجمل الاسماء
    Ma ajmal elasma
    How beautiful are the names

    نكتبها بنبض قلوبنا
    naktoubha binabdi qouloubina
    That we write with our heartbeats

    ولا أطباء ولا جراح!!!
    wala atiba wala jirra7
    and not by doctors and a surgeon

    Oh my love

    فقل لهم: حذار
    faqoul lahoum : 7athari
    Say to them : beware

    وليرفقوا بالاسماء
    Wa lyarfiqou belasma
    so that they will be gentle towards those names

    Wa lyatrouqouha ...
    So that they will leave them

    كلها هناك
    koullaha hounak
    all of them there

    قصائد حب لا يسدُّها هم
    Qasayda 7oubbin la yousoudouha hammoun
    The worries will not refrain the love poems

    ولا يلغيها نسيان
    Wala youlghya neseean
    The forgetfulness will not suppress them either

    هي كلها
    hya koulouha
    (Because) all of them are

    قصائد الحب الكبير الذي عشناه
    Qasaydou l7oubbi alkabeer ellathi 3ashnah
    The poems of the great love that we have lived

    هي كلها
    hya koulouha
    (Because) all of them are

    قصائد الحب الوحيد الذي كُنــَّاه
    Qasaydou l7oubbi alwa7eed ellathi kounnah
    The poems of the unique love that we used to be

    ما أجمل الاسماء
    Ma ajmal elasma
    How beautiful are the names

    نكتبها بنبض قلوبنا
    naktoubha binoubdi qouloubina
    already written by our heartbeats

    ولا أطباء ولا جراح!!!
    wala atiba wala jirra7
    and not by doctors and a surgeon

    Oh my love
    Last edited by gbasfora; 03-20-2010 at 01:57 PM.
  5. LoOlya's Avatar

    LoOlya said:


    My dear gbasfora!! you're really GREAT!! you did an amazing job!!
    Did you translate it alone or what ??
    here are a very few corrections, but in general it was amazing to see your translation in this way =)

    Quote Originally Posted by gbasfora View Post

    ما أجمل الاسماء
    Ma ajmal elasma
    The most beautiful name (of all of them)
    How beautiful the names are

    نكتبها بنبض قلوبنا
    naktoubha binabdi qouloubina
    already written by our heartbeats
    we write them by our heartbeats
    Syria ♥
    لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
    Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor.
  6. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:


    Thank you for the corrections LoOlya. I did it by mylsef. My fusha has improved a lot lately. It is not a difficult translation. Small verses , no misspelled words and fusha is allways easier to translate then dialects
  7. LoOlya's Avatar

    LoOlya said:


    Quote Originally Posted by gbasfora View Post
    Thank you for the corrections LoOlya. I did it by mylsef. My fusha has improved a lot lately. It is not a difficult translation. Small verses , no misspelled words and fusha is allways easier to translate then dialects
    Yeah I can see your Arabic is really good now =)
    Masha2Allah 3alik.. God bless you dear!
    Syria ♥
    لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
    Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor.