Unknown Artist

Thread: Unknown Artist

Tags: lyrics, piano, song, unknown artist, vocals
  1. hawk8578 said:

    Post Unknown Artist

    This was a song I found on a very obscure website long ago. It was basically unknown artists posting their own songs. I loved the song (it has a beautiful piano part to it) and it was free and legal to download it, but when I imported it into iTunes after getting a new computer, it lost the artist's name. If anyone can help me identify it, that would be amazing!

    Time - Piano/Vocals, unknown artist

    The second hand on the clock by my bed ticks,
    Patiently waiting to hit 6:00
    When it will wake me from my sleep.

    I wonder if I'll forget my dreams
    Or figure out what in the world they mean
    Before the alarm's invasive beeps.

    I go through my day not wanting to stay inside
    Arguing over what's true.
    I'd rather go outside and finally, baby, decide
    What true things I should do.

    Is it time when it's over too fast?
    Is it time when you've had a long day?
    Time, when the moments last,
    Is it time that's really slipping away?
    Finally, I'm starting to see what this all means.

    Sometimes I think that it's a crying shame
    That we play all these stupid, hurtful mind games
    And love is lost learning the rules.

    I've made a lot of mistakes,
    Thankfully, that's not what makes
    The difference between friends and fools.

    I go through my day not wanting to stay inside
    Arguing over what's true.
    I'd rather go outside and finally, baby, decide
    What true things I should do.

    Is it time when it's over too fast?
    Is it time when you've had a long day?
    Time, when the moments last,
    Is it time that's really slipping away?
    Finally, I'm starting to see what this all means.

    The soft rain...
    Is whispering your name.
    Tell me who's to blame.

    Well, is it time?


    Is it time that broke your heart?
    Is it time that made me cry?
    Is it time asking the questions?
    Is it time, who answers why?

    Finally, I'm starting to see what this all means.
  2. Th3Diplomat said:


    cud be possible keane song