Tori Amos "God" Lyrics to Translate

Thread: Tori Amos "God" Lyrics to Translate

Tags: tori amos god
  1. julesmusic said:

    Default Tori Amos "God" Lyrics to Translate

    Please translate into French

    God, sometimes you just don't come through
    God, sometimes you just don't come through
    Do you need a woman to look after you
    God, sometimes you just don't come through

    You make pretty daisies, pretty daisies love
    I gotta find what you're doing about things here
    A few witches burning gets a little toasty here
    I gotta find
    Why you always go
    When the wind blows

    God, sometimes you just don't come through
    God, sometimes you just don't come through
    Do you need a woman to look after you
    God, sometimes you just don't come through

    Tell me you're crazy maybe then I'll understand
    You got your 9 iron in the back seat just in case
    You heard you've gone south
    Well, baby, you love your new 4 wheel
    I gotta find
    Why you always go
    When the wind blows

    Will you even tell her
    If you decide to make the sky fall
    Will you even tell her
    If you decide to make the sky fall

    God, sometimes you just don't come through
    God, sometimes you just don't come through
    Do you need a woman to look after you
    God, sometimes you just don't come through
  2. purplelunacy's Avatar

    purplelunacy said:


    God, sometimes you just don't come through / Dieu, parfois tu ne réussis pas
    God, sometimes you just don't come through / Dieu, parfois tu ne réussis pas
    Do you need a woman to look after you / As-tu besoin qu'une femme s'occupe de toi
    God, sometimes you just don't come through / Dieu, parfois tu ne réussis pas

    You make pretty daisies, pretty daisies love / Tu fais de jolies pâquerettes, de jolies pâquerettes, mon amour
    I gotta find what you're doing about things here / Je dois trouver ce que tu fais à propos des trucs ici
    A few witches burning gets a little toasty here / La crémation de quelques sorcières réchauffe un peu l'atmosphère ici
    I gotta find / Je dois trouver
    Why you always go / Pourquoi tu t'en vas à chaque fois
    When the wind blows / Que le vent souffle

    God, sometimes you just don't come through / Dieu, parfois tu ne réussis pas
    God, sometimes you just don't come through / Dieu, parfois tu ne réussis pas
    Do you need a woman to look after you / As-tu besoin qu'une femme s'occupe de toi
    God, sometimes you just don't come through / Dieu, parfois tu ne réussis pas

    Tell me you're crazy maybe then I'll understand / Dis-moi que tu es fou, peut-être qu'alors je comprendrai
    You got your 9 iron in the back seat just in case / Tu as ton fer 9 sur le siège arrière juste au cas où
    You heard you've gone south / Tu as entendu que tu es allée vers le sud
    Well, baby, you love your new 4 wheel / Et bien, chéri, tu aimes ton nouveau 4x4
    I gotta find / Je dois trouver
    Why you always go / Pourquoi tu t'en vas à chaque fois
    When the wind blows / Que le vent souffle

    Will you even tell her / Le diras-tu même à elle
    If you decide to make the sky fall / Si tu décides de faire tomber le ciel
    Will you even tell her / Le diras-tu même à elle
    If you decide to make the sky fall / Si tu décides de faire tomber le ciel

    God, sometimes you just don't come through / Dieu, parfois tu ne réussis pas
    God, sometimes you just don't come through / Dieu, parfois tu ne réussis pas
    Do you need a woman to look after you / As-tu besoin qu'une femme s'occupe de toi
    God, sometimes you just don't come through / Dieu, parfois tu ne réussis pas