Elsiane Lyrics

Thread: Elsiane Lyrics

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  1. julesmusic said:

    Default Elsiane Lyrics

    Please translate these into French (I included a bit of Tori Amos lyrics toward the end, please translate all. Thank you so much!):

    I hope we both find the place
    Where maybe some day we will find our strength
    And hopefully attain to finally escape
    I'm always amazed how we're so self destructive
    Does any body know why?
    Find the light

    There is no light out of all the places
    There is no sign of our help
    There is no time and a chance of relations What if I choose you
    How did this begin and turned in such inhumanity?
    I'm hoping for myself to escape the insanity, I'm open
    What if I choose to live and what if I killed you Inhumanity

    All the world is all I am
    The black of the blackest ocean
    And the tear in your hand
    All the world is danging...
    Dangling'...Danglin' for me darlin'
    You don't know the power that you have
    With that tear in your hand
    Tear in you hand

    There are some, some who give blood
    I give love
    I give

    Soon, before the sun
    Before the sun begins to rise
    I know that I, I must give
    So that I, I can live

    There are some, some whose "give"
    Twists itself to take their mistake
    Who, what? what made up the line?
    Some say it was pain
    Or was it shame?

    And all that's left is the face of reality
  2. purplelunacy's Avatar

    purplelunacy said:


    I hope we both find the place / J'espère que nous trouverons tous les deux l'endroit
    Where maybe some day we will find our strength / Où nous trouverons peut-être notre force un jour
    And hopefully attain to finally escape / Et réussirons avec un peu de chance à nous échapper enfin
    I'm always amazed how we're so self destructive / Ca me surprend toujours de voir à quel point nous sommes auto-destructeurs
    Does any body know why? / Quelqu'un sait-il pourquoi ?
    Find the light / Trouve la lumière

    There is no light out of all the places / De tous les endroits, il n'y a aucune lumière
    There is no sign of our help / Il n'y a aucun signe de notre aide
    There is no time and a chance of relations What if I choose you / Il n'y a pas de temps et une chance de relations, Et si je te choisissais
    How did this begin and turned in such inhumanity? / Comment est-ce que ça a commencé et ça s'est transformé en une telle inhumanité ?
    I'm hoping for myself to escape the insanity, I'm open / Pour ma part j'espère que j'échapperai à la démence
    What if I choose to live and what if I killed you Inhumanity / Et si je choisissais de vivre et je si je te tuais, Inhumanité

    All the world is all I am / Le monde entier est ce que je suis
    The black of the blackest ocean / Le noir de l'océan le plus noir
    And the tear in your hand / Et la larme dans ta main
    All the world is dangling... / Le monde entier est suspendu
    Dangling'...Danglin' for me darlin' / Suspendu... Suspendu pour moi, mon chéri
    You don't know the power that you have / Tu ne te rends pas compte du pouvoir que tu as
    With that tear in your hand / Avec cette larme dans ta main
    Tear in you hand / Cette larme dans ta main

    There are some, some who give blood / Il y en a certains qui donne leur sang
    I give love / Je donne de l'amour
    I give / Je donne

    Soon, before the sun / Bientôt, avant le soleil
    Before the sun begins to rise / Avant que le soleil ne commence à se lever
    I know that I, I must give / Je sais que je, je dois donner
    So that I, I can live / Pour que je, je puisse vivre

    There are some, some whose "give" / Il y en a certains dont le "donner"
    Twists itself to take their mistake / Se tord pour prendre leur erreur
    Who, what? what made up the line? / Qui, quoi ? Qu'est-ce qui a formé la ligne ?
    Some say it was pain / Certains disent que c'était la douleur
    Or was it shame? / Ou était-ce la honte ?

    And all that's left is the face of reality / Et tout ce qui reste, c'est le visage de la réalité