Cu 'mme (Feat. Roberto Murolo)

Thread: Cu 'mme (Feat. Roberto Murolo)

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  1. small_angel said:

    Default Cu 'mme (Feat. Roberto Murolo)

    This is so so hard to translate, so please need help Thank you...

    Scinne cu 'mme
    nfonno o mare a truva'
    chillo ca nun tenimmo acca'
    vieni cu mme
    e accumincia a capi'
    comme e' inutile sta' a suffri'
    guarda stu mare
    ca ci infonne e paure
    sta cercanne e ce mbara'
    ah comme se fa'
    a da' turmiento all'anema
    ca vo' vula'
    si tu nun scinne a ffonne
    nun o puo' sape'
    no comme se fa'
    adda piglia' sultanto
    o mare ca ce sta'
    eppoi lassa' stu core
    sulo in miezz a via
    saglie cu 'mme
    e accumincia a canta'
    insieme e note che l'aria da'
    senza guarda'
    tu continua a vula'
    mientre o viento
    ce porta la'
    addo ce stanno
    e parole chiu' belle
    che te pigliano pe mbara'
    ah comme se fa'
    a da' turmiento all'anema
    ca vo' vula'
    si tu nun scinne a ffonne
    nun o puo' sape'
    no comme se fa'
    adda piglia' sultanto
    o mare ca ce sta'
    eppoi lassa' stu core
    sulo in miezz a via
    ah comme se fa'
    a da' turmiento all'anema
    ca vo' vula'
    si tu nun scinne a ffonne
    nun o puo' sape'
    no comme se fa'
    adda piglia' sultanto
    o mare ca ce sta'
    eppoi lassa' stu core
    sulo in miezz a via
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Scinne cu 'mme/ come with me
    nfonno o mare a truva'/ under the sea to find
    chillo ca nun tenimmo acca'/ what we don't have here

    vieni cu mme/ come with me
    e accumincia a capi'/ begin to understand
    comme e' inutile sta' a suffri'/ how it is useless to stay here and suffer

    guarda stu mare/ behold this sea
    ca ci infonne e paure/ that instils fear in us,
    sta cercanne e ce mbara'/ it's trying to teach us

    ah comme se fa'/ ah how can we
    a da' turmiento all'anema/ torment the soul
    ca vo' vula'/ that wishes to fly
    si tu nun scinne a ffonne/ if you've never hit the rock bottom
    nun o puo' sape'/ you can't understand

    no comme se fa'/ how can it be?
    adda piglia' sultanto/ It only has to take
    o mare ca ce sta'/ the sea that is there
    eppoi lassa' stu core/ and then abandon this heart
    sulo in miezz a via / alone in the streets

    saglie cu 'mme/ soar with me
    e accumincia a canta'/ and start to sing
    insieme e note che l'aria da'/ together with the notes the air gives

    senza guarda'/ without lookng (down)
    tu continua a vula'/ keep flying
    mientre o viento/ while the wind
    ce porta la'/ is taking us there

    addo ce stanno/ there where
    e parole chiu' belle/ the most beautiful words are
    che te pigliano pe mbara'/ (words) that will take you with them to learn

    ah comme se fa'/ ah how can we
    a da' turmiento all'anema/ torment the soul
    ca vo' vula'/ that wishes to fly
    si tu nun scinne a ffonne/ if you've never hit the rock bottom
    nun o puo' sape'/ you can't understand

    no comme se fa'/ how can it be?
    adda piglia' sultanto/ It only has to take
    o mare ca ce sta'/ the sea that is there
    eppoi lassa' stu core/ and then abandon this heart
    sulo in miezz a via / alone in the streets
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"