English translation....."Siamo noi"....Laura pausini

Thread: English translation....."Siamo noi"....Laura pausini

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  1. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:

    Default English translation....."Siamo noi"....Laura pausini

    Ciao a tutti ,
    come state ?


    Siamo la vita scritta sopra i muri.............................................. ..........We are the life written on the walls
    confusi ed insicuri.......................................... ....................................confused and insecure
    fotografie e immagini di un infinito film.............................................. .photos and images of an infinite film
    siamo colpevoli esseri innocenti......................................... ................we are guilty being innocent "what's esseri ? "
    testardi ed incoscienti....................................... .................................stubborn and unconscious
    raffiche di grandine.......................................... .................................."??"
    e bandiere di felicita’......................................... .................................and flags of happiness
    soldati di un amore che ha sparato sulla guerra...............................soldiers of love who have shot on the war
    siamo noi le nuvole............................................ ...............................we are the clouds
    le frasi nelle lettere........................................... ................................the sentences in letters
    il sale delle lacrime........................................... .................................the salt in the tears
    i baci dentro ai cinema............................................ ...........................the kisses in the cinema
    l’esatto opposto degli eroi.............................................. ...................the exact opposite of the heroes
    siamo noi............................................... ............................................that's us
    siamo messaggi dentro le bottiglie......................................... ...........we are the messages in the bottles
    che forse un dio raccoglie......................................... .........................that god may collect
    la storia da riscrivere........................................ .................................the history to rewrite
    sui libri della realta’........................................... .................................on the books of reality
    noi che veniamo da lontane stelle............................................ ..........we , who come from the far stars
    diversi nella pelle............................................. ...................................diffirent in the skin
    siamo tutti naufraghi......................................... ..................................we are all survivors
    per le strade di mille citta’............................................ ......................on the roads of 1000 cities
    soldati di un amore che ha sparato sulla guerra...............................soldiers of love who have shot on war
    siamo noi le nuvole............................................ ...............................we are the clouds
    gli esami da ripetere.......................................... ...............................the exams to repeat
    i campi delle fragole........................................... ...............................the camps of strawberry
    l’estate che ritornera’........................................ ...............................the summer that will come back
    l’esatto opposto degli eroi.............................................. ...................the exact opposite of heroes
    siamo noi............................................... .............................................that' s us
    la frontiera......................................... ................................................th e border
    di un sogno fatto insieme........................................... .......................of a dream , dreamt together
    di un’altra primavera......................................... ................................of another spring
    che tutto l’odio e la neve sciogliera’....................................... ............that all hatred and snow melts
    nel mare immenso dell’anima........................................ ....................in the immense sea of the soul
    siamo noi le nuvole............................................ ...............................we are the clouds
    le frasi nelle lettere........................................... ................................the sentences in letters
    i campi delle fragole........................................... ...............................the camps of strawberry
    la vita che non finira’........................................... ..............................the life that will not end
    l’esatto opposto degli eroi.............................................. .................the exact opposite of heroes
    siamo noi............................................... ..........................................
    siamo noi............................................... ..........................................


    am i turning stupid or what ?
    i think she's talking about the people in life in general but i find the lyrics weird and don't make much sense to me..
    "what's we are the clouds , the camps of strawberry ! "
    well , then i am a mine of gold hahahah

    i usually like the lyrics of laura tooooo much , but i don't know why for the last two songs it sounded strange to me
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Well, she wrote the lyrics along with a guy called "Cheope" (the italianized name of Khufu), maybe that's one of the causes of weird lyrics....

    testardi ed incoscienti..........stubborn and unconscious
    You can also use :"reckless/irresponsible/mad"

    siamo colpevoli esseri innocenti.................we are guilty innocent beings. "Essere" when 'tis not a verb means "(human/living) being, person, creature. "

    raffiche di grandine............... hail storm, pouring hail.
    When talking about weather "raffica" is used usually for the wind or the snow (blast/gust of wind, snowdrift). "Raffica" can also mean "barrage, burst, volley"

    soldati di un amore che ha sparato sulla guerra......................soldiers of a love who has shot the war (the love is the subject)

    che tutto l’odio e la neve sciogliera’............(a spring) that will melt/dissolve all hatred and snow
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"