rashed al majed - allah yasamhha

Thread: rashed al majed - allah yasamhha

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  1. sun12 said:

    Default rashed al majed - allah yasamhha

  2. Gole Yas said:


    The link you put is only a part of the song, the full original song can be found here:

    هذي عســى ربــي يسامحهــا وإلا أنـا مانـي مسامحهـا
    May God forgive her, for I will do no such thing (I will not forgive her)
    تحـاول بأطرافهـا تسـتر و هـو اللــي أكثــر شــي يفضحهـا
    She tries to hide it with her eyes, but her eyes are what are selling her out (her eyes reveal everything)

    أن جلسـت يـورد الكرسـي توقـف الدنيــا مسارحهـا
    When she sits, the chair blooms like a flower, and the everything in the world stops
    لأنها خلاصـت فتنـه الفتنـه الله ياماحلاهـا ومملحهـا
    Because she is the sum of all attraction/temptation/beauty.. Oh God how beautiful she is

    لا مشت على الرصيف يقول ياكـوس تكفـى هـب وأطرحها
    When she walks on the road, it says oh Please wind blow and make her fall on me
    آيه من آيات الله العالـي كـل شـي يتمنـى يصافحهـا
    She is like a verse from God (referring to beauty/perfection), everything wishes to shake hands with her (meaning everything wishes to be around her/see her/meet her)

    الحزن يضحك كل ماتحزن والفرح يبكي كـل ماأفرحهـا
    Sadness smiles when she is sad, and happiness makes everything that makes her happy cry
    الله يحفظـهـا ويحميـهـا والله يهديـهـا ويصلحـهـا
    May God protect her, and lead her on the right path

    ترخصنـي أحيانـا وتجرحنـي وأنا اللي أغليهـا ولا أجرحهـا
    Sometimes she devalues me and hurts me, when im the one who cherishes her and would never hurt her
    أحبها بجنـون وبطيبـي تزعلنـي وأنـا اللـي أصالحهـا
    I love her like crazy, and with all my kindness she makes me sad, and then I’m the one who makes her feel better

    قولوا لها ياهل الجنوبيـة تـرى الجفـا ماهـو بصالحهـا
    Oh people from the South (or maybe a name of an area), tell her that staleness is not in her best interest
    مــاتخسـر الأنسان والشاعر اللـي يقدرهـا ويمدحهـا
    Because she will lose the person, the poet, who cherishes and admires her

    بعض الغلا كتمانه أحسن له ياليتنـي ماكنـت أصارحهـا
    Sometimes concealing love is better, I wish I didn’t say anything
    الحب له سلطه ولـه هيبـه وإشيـاء لايمكنـي أشرحهـا
    Love has authority and status, and things I cannot explain

    لئيمة تدري أنها جنونيـة ودك بعـض الأحيـان تذبحهـا
    She is so cynical, she knows that she makes people go crazy, sometimes you feel like killing her
    من كثــر ماهـي حـلوه موت تحـس هـي اللي مختـاره ملامحها ..
    From the amount of beauty she holds (she’s beautiful to death) you feel that she might have handpicked her looks

    if you want me to explain more, let me know, I can give you a brief summary about the song ;P
    Last edited by Gole Yas; 06-03-2014 at 03:21 AM.