serbian to english

Thread: serbian to english

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  1. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    You're welcome
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  2. Fefe8 said:

    Wink Marija Serifovic

    Can someone translate these please?

    "Sad idi nek te davo nosi"
    "Volim ga"
    "Sto prvi"

    thanks in advance!
  3. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    "Sad idi nek te davo nosi" = now go! to hell with you!
    "Volim ga" = I love him
    "Sto prvi" = why first (? or is it 101. ? one hundred and first)
    "Košulja" = shirt
    "Trubaci" = trumpet players

    Please, next time ask for such translations in this topic:
  4. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Sad idi nek te djavo nosi

    Zar izgleda ti da mi je svejedno
    Sto volela sam tebe, lopova
    Ti krades ljubav i sve sto je cedno
    Ja hocu dalje bez tvog otrova

    Sad idi, nek te djavo nosi
    Briga me za to
    Jer voleti je tebe po zivot opasno
    Podi dalje svojim putem
    Jer se vidi dno
    Nema krivca da ga nije Bog kaznio

    Pomerao si moje okeane
    I noc u maglu mi pretvorio
    Izgubila sam mesece i dane
    Ma, moj si pogled ti zaklonio

    Sad idi, nek te djavo nosi
    Briga me za to
    Jer voleti je tebe po zivot opasno
    Podi dalje svojim putem
    Jer se vidi dno
    Nema krivca da ga nije Bog kaznio

    GO away now with the devil

    Do I look indifferent
    for loving you, thief
    you're stealing love and everything that's pure
    and I want to carry on without your poison

    Go away now, (with the devil)
    I don't care for it
    Because loving you is risky for life
    Carry on
    Because I can see bottom
    There's no offender not punished by God

    You moved my oceans
    made night into fog
    I've lost months and days
    You close my view

    Volim ga

    Kada se budi prolece
    kada me gleda tamno smedje
    cak i kad mi srce lomi
    ja ga volim,ja ga volim

    Kada mi srce da na dlanu
    i kada mi uzme san za javu
    cak i kad me dusa boli
    ja ga volim,ja ga volim
    dacu mu sve

    Ooo,volim ga
    ooo,volim ga ja
    ooo,volim ga
    dacu mu,dacu mu sve

    I da mi nije sudbina
    zato bih Boga molila
    on mi nebo plavo boji
    a ja ga volim,ja ga volim
    dacu mu sve

    Ooo,volim ga
    ooo,volim ga ja
    ooo,volim ga
    dacu mu,dacu mu sve

    on mi nebo plavo boji
    a ja ga volim,ja ga volim
    dacu mu sve

    Ooo,volim ga
    ooo,volim ga ja
    ooo,volim ga
    dacu mu,dacu mu sve

    I love him

    when the spring wakes up
    when a dark haired look at me
    even if my heart break
    I love him, I love him

    When he offers me his heart on the palm of his hand
    when he takes my dream in reailty
    even when my soul hurt
    I love him, I love him
    I will give him everything

    If this weren't my fate I would pray to God for it
    he paints my sky into blue
    and I love him..
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  5. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    Sto prvi (101)

    Niko mi jos nije skinuo zvezdu ili dve
    eto, tu se sad pokazi
    nemoj da me pitas gluposti, gle, koliki si
    da me volis, sad dokazi

    Sta koji si, sto prvi si
    zaboravi, znam ja da to ti je u krvi
    sta, sta koji si, sto prvi si
    a tako zelim da si prvi

    Niko sa mnom nije brojao latice na ruzama
    evo, ti bi bio prvi
    niko do sad nije uspeo samo pogledom
    da me lomi i mrvi

    Sta koji si, sto prvi si
    zaboravi, znam ja da to ti je u krvi
    sta, sta koji si, sto prvi si
    a tako zelim da si prvi

    Skuvaj caj sto mirise na jasmin
    pricaj nezne reci dok ne zaspim

    Sta koji si, sto prvi si
    zaboravi, znam ja da to ti je u krvi
    sta, sta koji si, sto prvi si
    a tako zelim da si prvi

    One hundred and first (101)

    Nobody still didnt get for me a star or two
    here you can proove yourself now
    don't ask me stupid things, look at yourself,
    if you love me , show me now

    what, Which one are you, you're 101
    forget it, i know its in your blood
    What, which one are you, you're 101
    But I winna you to be the first

    Nobody have counted roses with me
    there, you can be the first
    Nobody till now succeed only with look
    to crush me

    what, Which one are you, you're 101
    forget it, i know its in your blood
    What, which one are you, you're 101
    But I winna you to be the first

    Make me a jasmine tea
    speak to me nice words until a fall asleep
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  6. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    ehmm did i get you right .. you wanted the songs translation or only the words ... coz if its only the words you wrote then you should use the link that spring gave
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  7. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Quote Originally Posted by velvet_sky View Post
    ehmm did i get you right .. you wanted the songs translation or only the words ... coz if its only the words you wrote then you should use the link that spring gave
    Spring is long gone! It's been 34 degrees here!
    so yep! Im using the weather as excuse for my stupidity! My brain is boiled!

  8. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    hehe spring dont worry everybody make mistakes :P
    and btw here so hot also ...
    a lil off topic : how you put smiles that are not here ... i mean like last one you put on your post ... and where do you find them
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  9. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Ah I have a thing for smilies

    I'll PM you the longer story
  10. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    ok thanks a lot
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  11. Zise_ti_zoi's Avatar

    Zise_ti_zoi said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Spring View Post
    Spring is long gone! It's been 34 degrees here!
    so yep! Im using the weather as excuse for my stupidity! My brain is boiled!


    At first I thought about that there are only the words she demand. (Never thought about lyrics! ). When Velvet posted them, I'was like (what are those lyrics doing here). Here it was 30 C sharp. It seems that the walking back home had it's influence over my brain too.
    하늘의 별 따기...
    등잔 밑이 어둡다!
  12. Fefe8 said:


    hahaha... yes, I want the songs wasn't clear, sorry boys...
    so if you could, please translate the other songs for me...(Košulja, Trubaci)
    have a nice day...
  13. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    LOL hehe So I only got what was these titles for .... well i guess i wasnt so tired haha
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  14. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    well Fefe8 I don't know marija to have a song called "Košulja" maybe she sang it, but it's from other singer.. I don't know .... only I know a song that include the word " kosulja" and it's called "Na Tvojoj Kosulji", so if it's the song you were thinking about let me know


    Cula sam od drugih da me tracis ti
    Spora je al' stize pravda ljubavi

    Napolju je vreme lepo kao ti
    Mirise na ljubav vazduh prolecni
    Trubaci za mnom idemo kroz grad
    Muzika jace kao nikada do sad

    Eto male pomoci ako ti to znaci
    Nacices me tamo gde su i trubaci

    Ako slusas pazljivo vec si mi na tragu
    Jos ako me nades znaj da imas dragu

    Vidis li da pevam znaj da mi se place
    Da li sam jos sama upitaj trubace


    I heard from others
    you're looking for me
    Love justice is slow
    but it arrives

    the Weather is beautiful
    like you
    it smells like love
    a spring air

    Buglers are following me
    through the city
    Music is so alound
    Like never before

    here is some help
    If it means something to you
    You will find me
    where are the buglers

    If you listen carefuly
    you're allready on my trail
    And if you find me
    know that You'll have your sweetheart

    here is some help
    If it means something to you
    You will find me
    where are the buglers

    if you see me to sing know
    that i want to cry
    and if i am still alone
    ask the buglers
    Last edited by velvet_sky; 05-28-2008 at 04:18 PM.
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  15. Fefe8 said:


    "Košulja" and "Na Tvojoj Kosulji" this is the same song I think...on some sites with lyrics it's called "Kosulja" About that song I was thinking so I will be thankful for translating...
    Btw...Thank you for Trubaci
  16. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    so here is and the last song enjoy

    Na tvojoj kosulji

    Dugo osećam bes i ljubomoru,
    Zbog lutke iz predgrađa što mi te uzima.
    Zaključaću strast dok držim do sebe,
    I tražiću spas u drugom što liči na tebe.

    šta je to mojim suzama,
    Ne mogu ti odoleti.
    Dolaze u kolonama
    Ginu na tvojoj košulji

    šta je to mojim suzama,
    Ne mogu ti odoleti.
    Dolaze u kolonama,
    Put im otvaraš ti.
    živeti s tobom je kazna, veruj mi.

    Da si usporio bar kad si na jastuku mom,
    Obeć'o notornu laz nikada više sa njom.
    Prosto ne želim da u troje dišem.
    Ako ne prekinem sad,
    Počećeš da me zoveš imenom njenim.

    šta je to mojim suzama,
    Ne mogu ti odoleti.
    Dolaze u kolonama
    Ginu na tvojoj košulji

    šta je to mojim suzama,
    Ne mogu ti odoleti.
    Dolaze u kolonama,
    Put im otvaraš ti.
    živeti s tobom je kazna, veruj mi.

    On Your Shirt

    For a long time I feel rage and jealousy
    'cause of the doll from suburb, who is stealing you from me
    I'll lock down the passion, until keep my cool
    And I'll look for salvation in someone else who looks like you

    What's up with my tears
    They can't resist you
    They come in colonies
    and die on your shirt

    What's up with my tears
    They can't resist you
    They are comeing in colonies
    you open their doors

    to live with you is a punish
    Trust me

    If you slow down with you promised me , never again with her
    I don't want to breath for three
    If I don't break up with you now
    You'll start calling me by her name
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[
  17. Fefe8 said:


    Thank you soooo much velvet_sky Now I have all I want... God bless you...
  18. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    You are very welcome ....
    Tose Proeski - The Hardest Thing -->
    * Agapi mou gurna pisw, Mou Leipeis... :[