Learning Serbian /Croatian/Bosnian

Thread: Learning Serbian /Croatian/Bosnian

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  1. dok77 said:


    You can use both.It doesn't really matter.
    Btw. in Serbia: Srećan Božić-when we are wishing marry Christmas to catholics or protestants
    "Hristos se rodi!"(Jesus has been born!)-when we are wishing marry Christmas to each other and the response is "Vaistinu se rodi!"(Truly,he has been born!)(both are on old slavic language)
  2. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    šta je razlika između "ne" i "jok"?
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  3. dok77 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pthalo View Post
    šta je razlika između "ne" i "jok"?
    Nema razlike u značenju.Jedino u pristojnosti i bontonu.
    "Jok" je onako...malo prostački.
  4. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  5. ina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pthalo View Post
    šta je razlika između "ne" i "jok"?
    Pthalo: Kaže se koja je razlika, a ne šta je razlika.

    When a girl doesn't want to kiss her, she'll say :"No."
    When she wants but she is afraid to admit, she'll say :"Jok!" (coquettishly)

    Of course, this is just one funny example. Happy New Year to all!
  6. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    hehe, zanimljiv primer. Hvala ti. I tebi srećna nova godina!
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  7. djoxy said:


    Helloooooooo.Pozdrav svima! Slucajno sam naisho na ovaj forum i teme su me odushevile. Studiram engleski iz Nisha sam i zelim da pomof=gnem u ovoj temi i naravno da ucestvujem u ostalim. POZZZZZZZ

    Srecna nova godina svima!!!!
  8. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    ćao djoxy. Dobrodošao na forumu. srećna nova godina!
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  9. djoxy said:


  10. ina said:


    Djoxy :OOOO, Nisu moj! Ja sam iz Nisa too Sad ce ih ucimo padezi
  11. djoxy said:


    Hehe.Ce ih ucimo....shalim se Ucicemo ih:P
  12. djoxy said:


    Ej poznajem jednu malu Inu.Samo iz vidjenjna i preko druga.Mislim da je plava bila ta Ina i znam je preko Ivane i preko mog druga Vinklija verovatno ti ne znachi puno ali za svaki sluchaj da proverim.
  13. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Red face

    Hey guys let's keep this topic for Learning.. and chat in the other one - here
  14. Peregrine said:


    Pozdrav svima! Is it ok if a newbie joins in? I learnt some Serbian years ago and sadly forgot almost all of it. I am now trying to learn it back. Is it ok if I post a few questions here?
    For a start, I'd like to know if a woman can also say "Drago mi je", or would it be "Draga mi je"?

    Hvala in advance
  15. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    Of course, newbies are always welcome.

    Women can also say "drago mi je". Drago mi je means "pleased to meet you" but literally it means something like "it's dear to me", so drago is in neutral gender.
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  16. dok77 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pthalo View Post
    Of course, newbies are always welcome.

    Women can also say "drago mi je". Drago mi je means "pleased to meet you" but literally it means something like "it's dear to me", so drago is in neutral gender.
    It can also mean "I'm glad...".
  17. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    oh, right. I've used it to mean "I'm glad" before. i just forgot. thanks.
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  18. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  19. dok77 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pthalo View Post
    Very impressive pthalo,almost perfect grammar
  20. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    thank you. you can listen to the others if you want to (http://pthalogreen.livejournal.com), to see how i was talking in september, august and july if you're curious... I didn't make all that many of them, but now that I have a microphone I'll try to start doing it more

    i switched to hungarian a little bit in this one, which i wasn't really meaning to do. "jaj mit is mondjak" means "oh, what should i say" (ja sam stidljivo stvorenje, koji nikad ne zna šta da kaže)

    i'm curious whether my accent has improved at all. i still have the problem of not hearing the language very much, just reading and writing.
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.