[Solved] Sa'aty Lyrics and Translation

Thread: [Solved] Sa'aty Lyrics and Translation

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  1. azzam's Avatar

    azzam said:

    Thumbs up [Solved] Sa'aty Lyrics and Translation

    it is the link:


    can anyone listen and translate it?

    thank you in advance
    Last edited by azzam; 01-29-2011 at 02:04 AM.
  2. azzam's Avatar

    azzam said:


    oh, nobody can help?

    ok. only translation please
  3. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    I cant find the lyrics

    Its classical arabic I'll check it out and see if I can translate it
  4. Gole Yas said:


    lool.. im working on this ..
  5. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Gole Yas View Post
    lool.. im working on this ..
    ya 3yoniiii inti thank you, thats one thing I can cross of my to do list merciii hayati!
  6. Gole Yas said:


    This is something that was actually written about Palestine...
    Can be downloaded here...

    ill give it my best shot, and I gave it to my mom she’s an Arabic teacher if there are any changes ill let you know =P
    here goes…

    سآتي شموخاً صبوراً عنيف وليلاً حكيماً ودرباً لطيف
    I will come... in glory, patience, and violence, at night, with wisdom and a kind path
    سآتي إليكِ أزف التهاني وأمنح رأسكِ تاجاً أنوف
    I will come to you with celebrating greetings, and I will grant your head a lordly crown
    بقلب يفيض هدى ورضاءً سأهديكِ من مقلتي الحروف
    In a heart overflowing with guidance and satisfaction... from my eyes I will dedicate my letters to you (letters meaning the letters of each word spoken)
    سآتي أزمجر في خطواتي تحمحم خيلي لأجل الحتوف
    I will come making loud sounds, and in my steps my horse will neigh towards death
    وجيشي هنالك بين الروابي وفوق الفيافي يروع الصفوف
    And my army, there amongst the mounds... and on the deserts the frightful armies
    وفوق الجبالِ جبال الرجالِ وفوق التلال رياح الزحوف
    And on the mountains and mountains of men... and over the hills and the slow breezes of air
    سوافٍ كوافٍ عباقٍ سراع علينا بنصر الإله تطوف
    High mighty horses rush quickly towards us with the victory of God
    سأقدم تجمح في سكناتي عِراب الليالي وصبح الهتوف
    I will set a determination to my actions.. in the arabic nights, and the calling of mornings
    سآتي فمُدِّي العنى والأسى ومدي حديث الخنى والسخاف
    I will come so stretch out the pain and sorrow… and stretch out the talk of weakness and silliness (meaning stop it all)
    سآتيك عدواً سأتيك زحفاً ستأتيك روحي بكل الظروف
    I will come to you running.. ill come crawling.. my soul will come to you in al circumstances
    فجري ذيول السنا والسناءِ ففخرك بالدين هول مخوف
    So pull with you the mightiness and light/glory.. for, your pride with your religion is something frightening
    وياصحوة الحق سيري بنا ومدي إلى النصر كل الكفوف
    Oh revival of justice, walk us and reach all palms out to victory
    ودكي صروح الخنى والفساد بأرض كساها خمول وخوف
    And demolish the forts of dishonesty and corruption, of a land that has been filled with laziness and fear
    Last edited by Gole Yas; 01-31-2011 at 02:07 PM.
  7. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Yislamo hal edayn ya ro7i

    Quote Originally Posted by Gole Yas View Post
    ill give it my best shot, and I gave it to my mom she’s an Arabic teacher if there are any changes ill let you know =P
    3am t3arfini 3an 7amati? mana 3arfe!!
  8. Gole Yas said:


    loooool.. 7bibti intiiii .. im jus saying y3ni =$ eno it needs adjustments but im waiting on them =$
  9. azzam's Avatar

    azzam said:


    thank you so much dear Gole Yas
    it is a nice nasheed and its meaning is nice, too