Waleed Tawfiq - Ma fi shi byetghayyar (2010)

Thread: Waleed Tawfiq - Ma fi shi byetghayyar (2010)

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  1. pheobe's Avatar

    pheobe said:

    Smile Waleed Tawfiq - Ma fi shi byetghayyar (2010)

    here is the lyrics thanks to *Keefek** can someone pls translate this song ?

    Ma fi shi byetghayyar
    Ma tet3ab albak ya albi , ma fi shi byetghayar
    Bet2ello abyad , bi2ellak aswad
    Bet2ello arreb, betshoufo 3annak 3amyeb3ad
    Haydeh atba3o w b3omro mish ra7 yetghayar

    3alam habbouna , w 3alam ba3ouna,
    w 3alam men abel ma nensa kano nesyouna
    Dinyi dawara , iyyam khsara
    Nemro2 meshwar w binhar byikhlas meshwara
    La teb2a tghayyer fiha , mesh ra7 tetghayar

    La teshghol balak w ted7ak 3ala 7alak
    Ma fi ghayr 7obbou wa7dou byeb2alak
    Elli kano 7babak aw 2a3az s7abak
    Aw ba3ou l 3eshri , ma tez3al min yalli sabak
    Elli zghir ma b3omro byikbar, bidallo zghayyar

    Ma fi shi byetghayyar
    Ma tet3ab albak ya albi , ma fi shi byetghayar
    Bet2ello abyad , bi2ellak aswad
    Bet2ello arreb, betshoufo 3annak 3amyeb3ad
    Lamma btetghayyar ya albi, killo byetghayyar
  2. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    Ma fi shi byetghayyar
    Ma tet3ab albak ya albi , ma fi shi byetghayar
    Bet2ello abyad , bi2ellak aswad
    Bet2ello arreb, betshoufo 3annak 3amyeb3ad
    Haydeh atba3o w b3omro mish ra7 yetghayar

    nothing get change
    dont tired your heart my heart,
    nothing change
    you tell him white
    he tells you black
    you ask him to get close
    you see him going far from you
    this is his morals/nature
    and he will never change

    3alam habbouna , w 3alam ba3ouna,
    w 3alam men abel ma nensa kano nesyouna
    Dinyi dawara , iyyam khsara
    Nemro2 meshwar w binhar byikhlas meshwara
    La teb2a tghayyer fiha , mesh ra7 tetghayar

    some people loved us, others sold us
    and some before we forget were forgottin us already
    life turns , days are pity
    pass for a walk and in the morning her walking trip ends
    stop trying to change it again, it wont ever change

    La teshghol balak w ted7ak 3ala 7alak
    Ma fi ghayr 7obbou wa7dou byeb2alak
    Elli kano 7babak aw 2a3az s7abak
    Aw ba3ou l 3eshri , ma tez3al min yalli sabak
    Elli zghir ma b3omro byikbar, bidallo zghayyar

    dont worry and dont laugh at yourself
    the only thing that will lifet for u is his love
    who were dear and close friends
    or sold the sake of companionship
    dont get upset from those whom left u
    whos still kid never grows up
    he stood small

    Ma fi shi byetghayyar
    Ma tet3ab albak ya albi , ma fi shi byetghayar
    Bet2ello abyad , bi2ellak aswad
    Bet2ello arreb, betshoufo 3annak 3amyeb3ad
    Lamma btetghayyar ya albi, killo byetghayyar

    nothing get change
    dont tired your heart my heart,
    nothing change
    you tell him white
    he tells you black
    you ask him to get close
    you see him going far from you
    when u first get changed my heart everything changes

  3. pheobe's Avatar

    pheobe said:


    i wish i can thank 5000 more times thank you so much i was waiting for ages and started to loose hope i love that song now i know the meaning it is like written to me thank you again
  4. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    welcome anytime and excuse us if we let u wait too long
    but i just notice ur post last night
  5. pheobe's Avatar

    pheobe said:


    oww that is ok u replied
  6. The Arabic Student's Avatar

    The Arabic Student said:


    Can someone explain the line, "Nemro2 meshwar w binhar byikhlas meshwara"?

    نمرق مشوار و بنهار بيخلص مشوارها

    "We take a trip and by morning her trip is over??" I just don't understand what he's saying/means here. Anyone know?
  7. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    Quote Originally Posted by The Arabic Student View Post
    Can someone explain the line, "Nemro2 meshwar w binhar byikhlas meshwara"?

    نمرق مشوار و بنهار بيخلص مشوارها

    "We take a trip and by morning her trip is over??" I just don't understand what he's saying/means here. Anyone know?
    he means that the day ends so quickly