Tamer Hosni Translations

Thread: Tamer Hosni Translations

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  1. LaaSemaa's Avatar

    LaaSemaa said:

    Default Tamer Hosni Translations

    Can someone translate it please..
    and with arabic and eglish translation beside so I know what the sentece does means

    Tamer Hosni - Ya Rab Ana Ta'aban

    yaa rab ana ta3baaaaaaaaaaan
    wmalich fidonya ghir rahmitak
    yaa rab ana ta3baaaaaaaaaaan
    nefssi aadkhol ganetak
    ya ya rab ana za3laane
    ya rab ana za3laene min nafssi
    web2albi sagatelak
    batlob menak tessamihni
    batlob menak teghferli
    wtehdiinii w techfiinii
    ya rabi ta3baan ya rabi ta3baan
    ya rabi ta3baan ta3baan

    Tamer Hosni - Soubhan Allah

    soubhen allah we be hamdeh
    soubhen allah el 3adim
    raditou billahi raban
    wa raditou bil islami din

    wa mohamed sala laho 3layhi we salam
    nabiyen wa rasoulen habib allah
    wa ashrafa el moursaline

    "allahoma laka somt,
    wa 3ala riskika aftart,
    wa bika ament;
    wa 3alayka tewakelt,
    dahaba el dame' wa ibtaleti el 3ourouk
    we thebeta el ajrou bi idni ellah,
    ya wasi3a el fadl, ya wasi3a el fadl"

    wa mohamed sala laho 3layhi wa sallam
    nabiyen wa rasoulen habib allah
    wa ashrafa el moursaline

    Tamer Hosni - Ya Arham Al Raheem

    allah allah ya arhama rahimine
    irda 3alina kolinaaaa
    wa 3ala kolli wahid minina
    ya rabi al amine ihdina amine
    wa chfina amine wa samihnaaaaa amine
    wa hemiiiina amine ib3id 3anina ayi makrouhi yimassina
    danetta el 3alim bi halnna
    wi kolina mehtagilnak mehtagilnek
    mihtagiiiilnaaak yaaaa rabi le 3alamine
  2. joker-x said:


    yaa rab ana ta3baaaaaaaaaaan
    ( ooh god im so tierd )
    wmalich fidonya ghir rahmitak
    ( and i don`t have anything from this life only Your mercy )
    yaa rab ana ta3baaaaaaaaaaan
    ( ooh god im so tierd )
    nefssi aadkhol ganetak
    (i wish i can come to u`r Paradise )
    ya ya rab ana za3laane
    ( ooh god im sad )
    ya rab ana za3laene min nafssi
    ( ooh god im sad from my self )
    web2albi sagatelak
    ( In my heart i pray to you )
    batlob menak tessamihni
    ( i wish from u Forgiveness \ forgive me )
    batlob menak teghferli
    ( i wish from u Forgive me )
    wtehdiinii w techfiinii
    ( to make me good person and cured me )
    ya rabi ta3baan ya rabi ta3baan
    ( ooh my god im tierd oh my god im tierd )
    ya rabi ta3baan ta3baan
    ( my god im tierd im tierd )
    ( and pray to u )

    i wish i could translation the song for u :$ and wish u understand it
    muzik is our life
    kuwait it my Country and im Proud of beaing arabic
  3. LaaSemaa's Avatar

    LaaSemaa said:


    Thank you joker-x for the translation

    can you also translate the orther 2 please ??
  4. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    it's a religious son so 'ill explai as much as possible

    Tamer Hosni - Ya Arham Al Raheem

    allah allah ya arhama rahimine
    allah allah oh the most mercifull of all
    irda 3alina kolinaaaa
    be satisfied about all of us
    wa 3ala kolli wahid minina
    and about every one of us
    ya rabi al amine ihdina amine
    oh my honest god ,i hope may you guide us to the good path amine*
    wa chfina amine wa samihnaaaaa amine
    our chafina** amin,and our forgiver amine*
    wa hemiiiina amine ib3id 3anina ayi makrouhi yimassina
    and our protector amine**may anything that can hurt us away from us
    danetta el 3alim bi halnna
    you're the one that know what we're going through
    wi kolina mehtagilnak mehtagilnek
    we all need you nwe need you ,we need you
    mihtagiiiilnaaak yaaaa rabi le 3alamine
    we need you god the god of both worlds***

    amine is an expression muslims use after prayer(du'a) so that god response

    chafina is the name we call our prophet muhamed p.b.u.h
    both worlds,the world humain beings and the world of angels

    that's it enjoy it my friend
  5. LaaSemaa's Avatar

    LaaSemaa said:


    Thank you so much Larosa it was a big help
  6. neiinha said:


    Hi larosa, can u help me plz???
    Can u translate this song to me : Tamer Hosny - E7sas
