Hasan Alashqar - B2oulak Eih

Thread: Hasan Alashqar - B2oulak Eih

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  1. julietarab said:

    Default Hasan Alashqar - B2oulak Eih

    Another request (hope I'm not too greedy today):

    Could anyone help me with this song, "B2oulak eh" by Hasan Alashqar? Here's the YouTube link http://youtu.be/nn3lG4diojI

    I love this song, but although I can pick out lots of words, I just can't put them all together enough to get complete phrases--partly because it's in Egyptian, but probably more because my Arabic is still just not good enough which is so frustrating!!!

    So I'm hoping maybe an someone who who understands Egyptian could listen and copy it out for me. Just the Arabic would be great, باعربي would be fine, Arabic transliterated in with numbers is fine too, and with a translation it would be totally awesome!

    Thanks so much!!!!!

    Last edited by julietarab; 01-31-2013 at 05:46 PM. Reason: fix typo
  2. julietarab said:


    Anyone??? Pleeeeeease????