Mohammad Hamaki - Um el dunia

Thread: Mohammad Hamaki - Um el dunia

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  1. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:

    Default Mohammad Hamaki - Um el dunia

    wala aye kalam ... wala aye kalam fe a'3ani et2al fe 7abebti w kaffa
    ولا اى..... كلام ولا اى كلام فى اغانى اتقال فى حبيبتى وكفى
    there're no words .... there're no words has been said in any song about my lover and was enough

    da ana masr 7abebti ... da ana masr 7abebti fe kaffa w kol el dunia fe kaffa [x2]
    دا انا مصر حبيبتى .... دا انا مصر حبيبتى فى كفه وكل الدنيا فى كفهانا
    Egypt is my lover ... Egypt is my lover in one hand and all the world is on the other

    um el dunia meen ?? .... walla fe zayaha fain??
    ام الدنيا مين ولا فى زيها فين
    who's the mother of the world ?? ... or where you can find like it ??

    baladi fe 7bab el 3ain la2 we a2rab mn keda
    بلدى فى حباب العين لا واقرب من كدا
    my country is in the inside of my eye ... and even closer

    de balad 3am nageeb zowel w soma wel 3andaleeb
    بلد عم نجيب زويل وسومه والعنداليب
    the home of "am Nageeb" " Zowel" and " Soma" and " Al-Andaleeb"

    dalida we balee'3 wel 5ateeb we nas kteer gamdeen keda
    داليدا وباليغ والخطيب
    "Dalida" and " baleegh" and " Al-Khateeb"

    w nas kteer gamdeen keda
    وناس كتير جامدين كدا
    and so many other great people

    nas-ha wlad osool ... men dammi dool tarbeet edeehom
    ناسها ولاد اصول من دمى دول تربيه ايديهم

    w mnean baroo7 ba2ool ana ahli dool w batbaha beehom
    ومنين ما بروح بقول انا اهلى دول بتباهى بيهم
    where ever i go i say those are my family and i show off of them

    wana metamen tool mana fdahri dool
    وانا مطمن طول ما انا فى ضهري دول
    and as long as those are behind my back i feel good

    w bat7ama beehom
    وبتحاما فيهم[x2]
    and iam protected by them

    balad 3omar el shereef ... 3adil emam abu dam 5afeef
    بلد عمر الشريف عادل امام ابو دم خفيف
    the country of " Omar el shereef" and the funny "Adel Emam"

    7asan she7ata '3ani 3an el ta3reef ... eah tani a7san mn keda
    حسن شحاته غنى عن التعريف ايه تانى احسن من كدا
    the well known " Hasan Shehata" ... what's better than this ??

    masr ba7ebaha welli ymeseha aklo besnani wentaha elli yfakar '3air keda
    مصر بحبها بلدى و اللى يمسها هكله بسنانى وانتهى اللى يفكر غير كدا
    Egypt, i love it ... my country and whoever touche it i would eat him by my teeth, and whoever thinks unlike that is done

    ** whoever have a better translation plz help me out
    Last edited by Hazar-rox; 01-30-2011 at 05:41 AM.
  2. ahmedlovesheba's Avatar

    ahmedlovesheba said:


    love this song!

    good job!
    ana aktar men el donia, ana ba7ebak w ghairak inta maleesh
    ana law tib3ed sanya, ana fee bo3dak 7abibi sa3b a3eesh
  3. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    yup its amazing thank you
  4. arab93's Avatar

    arab93 said:

    Default can you please translate this song for me please !!shookrann awee
  5. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:

    Default Tamir Housny - ba7ibk ya masr

    بحبك يا مصر يا بلد النصر
    ba7ibek ya masr ya bald el nasr

    I love you Egypt, oh the country of victory

    رجالة واهل كرم محبةوجدعنة في الشدة وأصل
    rigalla w ahl karam, m7abba w gad3ana, fil shedda w asl

    Men and people of generous, love and courage ... in need and in origin

    بالحب وبجهد ولادنا واحنا الشعب وبدعواتنا
    bel 7ob w bgohd wladna wi7na el sha3b bi da3awatna

    with love, with the efforts of our sons, and we people with our prayers

    فرحنا من كل قلوبنا والفرحة هلت في بيوتنا
    fre7na men kol 2olobna wel far7a hallet fe byotna

    we enjoyed from all of our hearts, happiness filled our homes

    وكل البلاد اخواتنا
    w kol el bilad e5watna

    and all other countries are our brothers

    في الغربة دايما وحشانا كتيير … في عز ما احنا بنعاني
    fel '3orba dayman wa7shana kteer, fi 3ez ma e7na mn3ani

    we always miss you in our foreignness ... in our hardest suffering

    ده الغريب لما بيشرب من النيل .. لازم يرجع يشرب تاني
    da el '3areeb lamma yeshrab men el neel ... lazim yerga3 yeshrab tani

    when a forign drinks from the Nile ... he must get back to drink again

    يا ارض الحضارة والمعرفة .. في حبك مش باقدر اخبي
    ya ard el 7adara wel ma3refa ... fi 7obbik mush ba2dar a5abbe

    oh the land of civilization and knowledge ... I can't hide your love

    ده انا مصري دي لا تعريف ولا صفة .. ده وسام ومحفور على قلبي
    da ana masri da la ta3reef wala sifa ... da wisam ma7foor fi 2albi

    Im Egyption ... its not a definition neither a character ... its and insignia and egraved on my heart

    افرحي بولادك اللي منك يا مصر .. ماتبصيش وراكي على حد
    efra7i be wladik elli menik ya masr ... ma tboseesh waraki 3ala 7ad

    go happy with your sons who are from you Egypt ... and don't look behind to anyone

    شوفي كام مصري بيرفع اسمك يا مصر .. شوفي وقفتنا في وقت الجد
    shofi kam masri byerfa3 esmik ya masr ... shofee wa2fetna fe wa2t el ged

    look how many Egyptian is is raising your name Egypt ... look how we stand in hard times

    يا حبيبتي يا ارض الاهرامات … هافضل ادافع عنك عمري
    ya 7abebti ya ard el ahramat .. hafdal adafe3 3anik 3omri

    oh my lover the land of pyramids ... i will keep defending you my life

    ولما يقولوا خلاص اهو مات .. ادعيلي مليش غيرك يا امي
    w lamma y2olo 5alas aho mat ... ed3eeli maleesh '3airek ya 2ommi

    and when they say "here he dies" ... pray for me i have no-one but you my mother**
  6. arab93's Avatar

    arab93 said:


    shookran ya hazar

    i have another request if you dnt mind ? can you pleas get me the lyrics and english translations like you did for b7ebak ya masr !!! shookrannn
  7. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    بقالنا فتره كبيره بنقرا فى مانشيتات كلام على منتخبنا مفيهوش غير اساءات
    ba2alna fatra kbeera mneqra2 fi manshetat ... kalam 3ala monta5abna mafhoosh '3air esa2at

    for so long we've been reading things are said about our national team, it has nothing but offends
    بيعيبوا على الاعيبه والمدربين قولوا لى انتوا مين؟
    b3eebo 3ala el-la3eeba wel modarebeen, 2olooli ento meen ?

    the offend the players and coaches, tell me who you are ?

    هنوريكم فى الملعب احنا مين
    ha nwareekom fil mal3ab i7na meen

    at the playground we will show you who we are

    ممكن نخسر او نكسب بتاع اتنين تلاته
    momkin ni5sar aw niksab bta3 tnain talata

    we might win or lose for 2 or 3

    ازاى تنزلوا صوره زى دى لحسن شحاته
    ezay etnazello sora zaye di li 7asan she7ata**

    how dare you to publish such a photo for Hasan Shihata

    **Egyptian's team coach

    على فكره انا بتكلم بلسان كل المصريين
    3ala fikra ana batkallem be lisan kol el masreyeen

    by the way Im speaking with the tongue of all Egyptians

    مبنقبلش الاهانه عشان تكونوا فاهمين
    ma mn2balsh ihana 3shan tkoono fahmeen

    we take no humiliation, for you to understand

    وخلينى اقولكم حاجه على البلد حاجه على كل الشعب حتى البنت والولد
    w 5alleeni a2ollokom 7aga 3ala el balad, 7aga 3ala kol el sha3b, 7atta el bint wil walad

    and let me tell you something about the country, something about all the people, even girls and boys

    شعبها ده قلبه طيب وكله حنان
    sha3baha da 2albo tayeb w kollo 7anan

    it's people good hearted and full of tenderness

    مبنقبلش الاهانه عشان تكونوا فاهمين
    ma mn2balsh ehana 3shan tkono fahmeen

    we take no humiliation, for you to understand

    ولا نقبل اى كلمه تمس المصريين
    wala ni2bal ayye kelma tmes el masryeen

    we don't take any word that could touch Egyptians (offense)

    دى مصر غاليه علينا وفى خيرها عايشين
    di masr '3alya 3aleana w fi 5erha 3aysheen

    Egypt is so precious to us, and we live in it's goodness

    مش زى مانتوا بتقولوا عليه منتخب فكسان خلى بالك واعرف انت بتتكلم على مين
    mush zay manto bet2olo 3aleh, monta5ab faksan, 5alli balak w i3raf inta betkallem meen

    it's not like what you're saying that its a loser team, watch out and know whom you are talking to

    على كل الحضارات والاف السنين
    3ala kol el 7adarat w alaf el seneen

    about all civilizations and thousands of years

    على 85 مليون من المصرين
    3ala 85 milyoon men el masreyeen

    about 85 million of Egyptians

    ناس فاهمين عارفين متحضرين
    nas fahmeen, 3arfeen, mit7adereen

    people who understand, know,civilized

    وحافظين التاريخ على مدى السنين
    w 7afzeen el taree5 3ala mada el sineen

    and kept the history for years

    شوفوا مصر الحره جابت مين محفوظ زويل دول مصرين
    shofo masr el 7urra gabet meen, ma7fooz w zewail, dool masreyeen

    look free Egypt brought whom, Mahfooz* and Zewail** those are Egyptians
    *Egyptian writer
    **Egyptian scientist

    شعارنا واحد فى الحياه وهو السلام
    shi3arna wa7id fil 7aya w howa el salam

    we have one slogan in our life, which is "peace"

    عمرنا ماذينا اى حد بشر كلام استحملنا الاهانه وكتر ملام
    3omrena ma azena 7ad beshar kalam, ista7melna el ihana w kotr malam

    we've never hurted anyone with evil sayings, we took insulting and a lot of blames

    كان علينا والمنتخب والاعيبه كمان
    kan 3aleana w el monta5ab wel la3eeba kaman

    it was about us, the team, and the players too

    مش معنى ان احنا مش بنرد يبقى احنا خايفين
    mush ma3na en e7na mish menrod yeb2a i7na 5ayfeen

    if we don't reply back it doesn't mean we are scared

    بس احنا عايزين نشوف انتم اخركم فين
    bas i7na 3ayzeen nishoof entom a5erkom feen

    we just want to see where will you end up

    وباصول الزوق بنفهمكم كلمتين وبنرد عليكم باسلوب المصريين
    w be2osool el zoo2 mnfahemkom kelmetain w mnrod 3alaikom be osloob el masreyeen

    in a classy way we make you understand, and reply to you in an Egyptian style

    قلبنا على بعض على نفسنا خايفين
    2albena 3ala ba3d, 3ala nafsina 5ayfeen

    we care for each others, we worry about each others

    الكرامه والاصاله ده طبع المصريين
    el karama wel asala, da tab3 el masreyeen

    dignity and originality is what Egyptians are

    تعالى اتغدى عندنا لو ناسى بيتك فين
    ta3al it'3ada 3indena law nasi beatak feen

    come have lunch with us if you forgot where your home is

    اكرام الضيف ده واجب لو حتى الضيف ده منين
    ikram el daif da wagib law 7atta el deef da meen

    hospitality is a must, no matter who's the guest is

    مصر اللى هزمت الاعداء فى 73
    masr elli hazmat el a3da2 fi 73

    Egypt, which defeated the enemy in 73

    وباذن الله على طول فايزين
    w be izn alla 3ala tool fayzeen

    and with god willing, we're always winners
  8. arab93's Avatar

    arab93 said:


    hazar your the best shukrann
  9. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    Quote Originally Posted by arab93 View Post
    hazar your the best shukrann
    thank you sweeti
  10. arab93's Avatar

    arab93 said:


    hazar habibtii can you translate this 4 me pls !! xxxx
  11. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:

    Default Ramy Sabry - 7abebti ya mas

    دايما يارب احميها ولفوق كمان عليها
    dayman ya rab e7meeha, we le foo2 kaman 3alleeha

    oh god, protect ir always, and raise it even higher

    علشان خاطرها تهون حياتنا نموت عشان نحييها
    3alashan 5aterha t.hoon 7ayatna, nmoot 3shan ne7yeeha

    for its sake our lives trivialize, we die to revive it

    ارض الهرم والنيل والصحبه والمواويل
    ard el haram wel neel wel so7ba wel mawaweel

    the land of the pyramid and the Nile, the company and al-mawaweel**

    **type of singing

    علشان بلدنا ولا حاجة صعبة ولا حتى نعرف مستحيل
    3alshan baladna wala 7aga sa3ba, wala 7atta bi3raf mosta7eel

    for our country nothing is hard, we don't even know "impossible"

    حبيبتى يا مصـــــــــــــــر
    7abebti ya masr

    my love, oh Egypt

    على ارضها اتربيت وانا مهما رحت وجيت
    3ala ardaha etrabait, wana mahma ro7t w gait

    I grew up on its land, no matter how much I come and go...

    مافيش مثالها ولا فى فى جمالها
    mafeesh mesalha wala fi fe gamalha

    nothing is like it, nothing in its beauty

    ولا زى ناسه فى يوم لقيت
    wala zay nas.ha fi yoam la2eat

    and I have never found like its people

    بلدى سلام وامان
    baladi salam w aman

    my country, peace and safety

    مذكورة فى القرآن
    mazkoora fel Qur2an

    was mentioned in the Holy Quran

    علينا غاليه ورايتها عاليه وهتعلى بينا كمان وكمان
    3alaina '3alya w rayet.ha 3alaya, w ha te3la beena kaman w kaman

    it's so precious to us, it's flag is high ... and it will go higher with us even more and more

    مصر يعنى ابنى وجيرانى
    masr ya3ni ibne w gerani

    Egypt means my son and my neighbors

    هو دا بيتى ومكانى
    howa da baite w makani

    this is my home and my place

    هى اهلى ودنيتى دى كلها
    heya ahli w donyeti di kollaha

    its my family and my entire life

    مصر ام الدنيا ديا اللى خيرها كتير عليها
    masr um el dunia deya ... elli 5airha kteer 3alayya

    Egypt is the mother of the world, I had so much of its goodness

    مش هقول غير كلمه واحدة
    mush ha 2ool '3air kilma wa7da

    I won't say any, but one word


    I love it
  12. arab93's Avatar

    arab93 said:


    shukran habibtii !! am emotional at the moment mubarak step down yay !! xx
  13. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Mabrook ya Masr <3

    Quote Originally Posted by arab93 View Post
    hazar habibtii can you translate this 4 me pls !! xxxx
    I do have a request though, would you mind opening a thread next time for each of the songs? It makes it easier for other people when they're searching for the songs

    Ya3tiki el3afye hazoor for all your translations! Great work sweetie
  14. arab93's Avatar

    arab93 said:


    ana 'āsef reason i did that is beacuse am new to this and when i post something up 2 be translated i never get a reply !! but if i post it on here hazoor always replys <3 but i wont do it anymore
  15. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by arab93 View Post
    ana 'āsef reason i did that is beacuse am new to this and when i post something up 2 be translated i never get a reply !! but if i post it on here hazoor always replys <3 but i wont do it anymore
    No need to apologize, I'm just saying so that you know, because it makes it easier

    Wallah we try our best but we're not always as free as we would like And because Hazar is subscribed to this thread the pressure is on her to reply

    If your songs dont get a reply, keep posting and 'bumping' the thread
  16. arab93's Avatar

    arab93 said:


    LOOOOL bumping the thread ,yh i think i might have to do that :P
  17. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by arab93 View Post
    LOOOOL bumping the thread ,yh i think i might have to do that :P
    Thank you sweetie
  18. Tear_drop's Avatar

    Tear_drop said:


    great job hazar. thanks for your tme
    - - ; Nothing compares...
    no worries or cares.
    Regrets and mistakes - they’re memories made.
    Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste? ♫
  19. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    you are all very welcome