English translation..."Buona verita"...Laura Pausini

Thread: English translation..."Buona verita"...Laura Pausini

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  1. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:

    Default English translation..."Buona verita"...Laura Pausini

    Ciao a tutti , e come state ?..

    Buone veritą ..........................................Good truth
    buoni giuramenti ....................................Good oathes
    quanta volontą ......................................How much will
    oltre un mondo cosi ..............................beyound the world
    dove stare su ......................................where it stays on
    č roba da giganti ................................"can't build a sentence out of these words "
    guarda un po pił in lą .........................look alitle more in there
    prova un passo avanti ........................try a step forward

    Buone veritą .......................................good truth
    date a buona gente ............................given to good people
    che non venderą ................................who will not sell
    l“anima per niente ..............................their soul for nothing

    Sarą .................................................. .......it will be
    e verrą .................................................. ...and it will be !
    quest“anno darą .....................................this year will give
    buone veritą ...........................................a good truth
    per chi non ce ne ha pił ........................for those who don't have anymore of it
    tu salta il fosso......................................you jump the ditch
    e vieni qua ...........................................and come here
    in un mondo migliore .............................in a better world
    di buone volontą ....................................of good will
    che non cadono mai ..............................that never fall "why is the verb conjugated to third plural ?? volonta is single , right ?...although i can see boune is plural too !!..so why ?"
    allunga il passo ...................................lengthen the step "move faster "
    stai di qua ...........................................stay of here
    in un mondo speciale .........................in a special world
    che .................................................. ...that
    male non se dą ...................................don't give bad
    solo la veritą .......................................only the truth

    Buone veritą ..............................................good truth
    che non muoiono mai ...............................that never die "again the plural question"
    quanta volontą ........................................how much will
    per un mondo ...........................................for a world
    dove la gente non dą pił .......................where the people don't give anymore
    l“anima per niente .................................their soul for nothing

    Sarą .................................................. ......it will be
    verrą .................................................. .....it will be
    il tempo darą ...........................................time will give
    buone veritą ...........................................good truth
    per chi non ce ne ha pił ........................for this who doesn't have anymore of it
    allunga il passo ....................................move faster
    vieni qua ..............................................come here
    in una vita migliore ..............................in a better life
    di nuove veritą .....................................of a new truth
    che non cadono mai .............................that never fall
    tu salta adesso ....................................u jump now
    stai di qua ............................................stay from here
    in un mondo speciale che ......................in a special world that
    male non ne dą ......................................doesn't give bad
    salta il fosso di qua ................................jump the ditch from here
    tua salta adesso ...................................ur jump now !

    Quanta volontą .....................................how much will
    in un mondo cosi.....................................in a world like that
    Buone veritą ...........................................good truth
    non finiscono mai....................................never finish


    grazie mille ,
    una domanda in piu..
    in the imperative form , when to use the second single , and when to use the third single conjugations
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    dove stare su .
    č roba da giganti
    guarda un po pił in lą
    where living/stay on your feet
    is a giants matter
    (it's very very hard, a titanic challenge)
    take a look a little further away

    Sarą e verrą/ it will be and it will come
    quest“anno darą / this year will bring/give
    buone veritą / good truths
    per chi non ce ne ha pił / for those who don't have anymore of them
    tu salta il fosso./ take the plunge (idiom that means "make a difficult decision")
    e vieni qua /and come here
    in un mondo migliore /in a better world
    di buone volontą / of good wills
    che non cadono mai / that never fall
    allunga il passo /lengthen your stride
    stai di qua /stay here
    in un mondo speciale /in a special world
    che /that
    male non se dą /doesn't hurt
    solo la veritą ..../ it only gives truths

    Vertą e volontą are two invariable names, they are the same either in singular and plural.
    Here are some other invariable names:

    As for the imperative, that is one of the "things" i use but i'm not sure i really know how it works, so i think you'd better take a look here:
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:


    really thanks ...i've read the 3 links and i liked them alot...thanks ligeia..
  4. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Mi fa piacere che i link siano stati utili! Non č sempre facile spiegare le regole dei verbi!
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  5. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:


    ma con una brava insegnanta , tutto e sempre facile
    Oh dio (H) sto parlando in italiano senza molto "thinking=pensieri ?" :O....l'attimo che ho aspettato da troppo tempo :O