Boy Next Door

Thread: Boy Next Door

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  1. Katie13's Avatar

    Katie13 said:

    Default Boy Next Door

    Cliché title, yes. Inspired by my sister's ever-expanding collection of McFly songs.

    Saw him every day for a year,
    Talked to him four days out of five,
    Wasn’t until the rumour’s hit,
    That he made me feel alive,

    Then his eyes were bluer than the sky,
    Felt everything he said,
    And all of a sudden, came a surprise,
    He wouldn’t leave my head,

    I fell in love with the boy next door,
    Suddenly he was so much more,
    He was the one, rocked my mind,
    The one I dreamt of every night,
    One smile would make my heart soar,
    When it came from the boy next door,

    He became the one I looked for,
    The one I could not overlook,
    He smiled at me, I blinked, I blushed,
    And one look was all it took,

    Then his eyes were brighter than the sun,
    Just to me, it seems,
    Sometimes I thought perhaps I’d won,
    But only in my dreams,

    I fell in love with the boy next door,
    Suddenly he was so much more,
    He was the one, rocked my mind,
    The one I dreamt of every night,
    One smile would make my heart soar,
    When it came from the boy next door,

    One day he went away,
    With his friends sans me,
    I grew fonder by the day,
    Waiting just to see,
    And then he came back,
    With her on his arm,
    And my dreams fell flat,

    I fell in love with the boy next door,
    But that girl was so much more,
    She was to me, sugar to spice,
    Wanted to hate, she was just too nice,
    Saw how he’d chosen her, no more,
    Could I dream of the boy next door,
    I fell in love with the boy next door,
    Suddenly he was so much more,
    He was the one, rocked my mind,
    The one I dreamt of every night,
    One smile would make my heart soar,
    When it came from the boy next door,


    I was in love with the boy next door,
    Remember, he was so much more,
    He was the one, rocked my mind,
    One I still dream about at night,
    I’ll never forget how it was before,
    When I loved the boy next door,
    "If you were me, then I'd be you, and if I were you, I'd hide somewhere faraway..."
  2. Saybers Lyricals said:


    Again, another brilliant set of lyrics from you
    The ryhmes go together perfectly and the lyrics are just amazing
  3. Katie13's Avatar

    Katie13 said:


    Thanks, Saybers
    "If you were me, then I'd be you, and if I were you, I'd hide somewhere faraway..."
  4. aligatorz said:

    Default boy next door

    Aptly describes all those feelings.
    I actually 'found' you when I was searching for lyrics to Low's Murderer and came across your 'Flying Low'. Then I went in and read your books. I'm certainly not a YA reader normally although my niece successfully writes for that group of readers. I was very impressed by your lyrics and your writing. Are any of your lyrics set to music and in a place I could listen to them?
  5. RobberBaron said:


    I really love this one, reminds me of many things in a great way, and don't worry about cliche because this beats the rest
  6. Katie13's Avatar

    Katie13 said:


    I thought that name was familiar when it popped up on email :P Some are, some aren't - I'm not great with tunes but I've got a few helpers - and as of yet, no, they're not anywhere you can hear them. And I'm glad you enjoyed my books too!! That's awesome =D Who knew I could be so easily found?
    "If you were me, then I'd be you, and if I were you, I'd hide somewhere faraway..."
  7. Katie13's Avatar

    Katie13 said:


    Oh, thanks, Robber Glad the cliché doesn't detract from it!!
    "If you were me, then I'd be you, and if I were you, I'd hide somewhere faraway..."
  8. SK'nDeep's Avatar

    SK'nDeep said:


    Kate you suprise me every time.. great lyrics girl...
    when are you going to lay them down? I'd like to here them.
    Peace Love Empathy

  9. Katie13's Avatar

    Katie13 said:


    Thanks, SK'nDeep Well, whenever I come up with a definite tune for the verses!! I suck at tunes :P
    "If you were me, then I'd be you, and if I were you, I'd hide somewhere faraway..."
  10. Erica1997 said:


    These are amazing lyrics(: