
Thread: Help!

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  1. Melissalev420 said:

    Default Help!

    I've had a song stuck in my head and I have no clue where I heard it or what it is. I think the lyrics go something like:
    Nothing I do does a thing for me,
    Can this be?
    I am the worst thing thats ever happened to me.

    Anyone know who it's by or the name of it? Thanks!
  2. alohababe19 said:

    Default i know who its by but beats me what its called

    i tried typing the lyrics into google, it usually works

    but The Getaway - the name of the band - seem to not exist to people who don't know a good band when they hear them

    they're awesome eh?
    no clue what the song is though sorry
  3. Melissalev420 said:


    Thank you. I listened to one of my old CDs and heard it. It's a song by a band called Jonny Was... Their lead singer is actor Shane West. I still don't know the name of the song but at least I can hear the whole thing without having that same line stuck in my head all the time.