Nancy Ajram - Eih Akhbar Nafseto and As3ed Allah Lyrics

Thread: Nancy Ajram - Eih Akhbar Nafseto and As3ed Allah Lyrics

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  1. Ghaly's Avatar

    Ghaly said:

    Default Nancy Ajram - Eih Akhbar Nafseto and As3ed Allah Lyrics

    I believe, that, in some parts, there are mistakes in the arabic lyrics, or my hearing is just ****ed up. I will asterisken (= *) every probable wrong word:

    Eih Akhbar Nafseitoh:

    "Eih akhbar nafseto 3ashan a2oullu wakallem hadreto
    3ashan amahhedlo* w ashof, sekketo, w shofleh 7aly ma3ah.
    7add y2oully(*) nsam* moodo*, asla ana batlkhbat fi wgoodo
    Ya weily mennoh, ya broodo, el kon mashi 3ala hawah.
    3ammal 3eid(*) fi elly ha2oulu; washoufo, baskot wala a2oulu
    Mafish tare2 badkholholo/tadkholholo, ela w yseddo fi wesh.
    Aga* a2oullu kelma w ye2affel, da sa3b geddan w m2affel
    Sahrana 3einy wala betghaffel, ya 3einy sorry, ma3alesh

    Sa2* fiha 3aref enny 7abeebto, w amoot w aro7 fiha, law sebto
    Wallah elly zayyo beyetzebto, dayman b arset wedn*
    Bass el shahada* elli (li?) 3ashrto, banet li tayyeba(*) wara teksherto
    3ashan keda ana rahn e(t)sharto* bakhdo* fi sawany bi el 7odn"

    As3ed Allah (Mesak):

    "As3ed Allah mesak, ya
    Yally malakny hawak, ya
    Ya aghla men 7ayaty
    W shei 7ayaty balak?

    Ajme3 a7sasy w ajeek
    Abeek, fi 3omry abeik
    Amshy fi khataat* 7aneeny
    Yammak* w atmanna legak
    As3ed Allah mesak

    As3ed Allah mesak, ya...

    A7zanak**(!!!!) la7zat**(!!!) 7anany
    W alga fi 3einek mekany
    Tes3ed bshofek 3youny, w arowy 7obby zamak**
    As3ed Allah mesak

    **: According to one arabic-written songtext, it says "A7zanak la7zat" and "ghawak" (instead of above written "zamak")
    According to another, which I cannot find, it says "to7donek la7dat" and "9'amak = zamak"

    Please, translate the words with the asterisks and, if necessary, correct them, because, honestly:

    I believe, they really have made crap with these lyrics.

    Thank you, anyways.
    - Racism is not far, it is in everybody's nature. Detect thy fears, thy prejudices, and live in unison with these fears and every being that does not harm thee.
  2. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    The whole album has been done
  3. Ghaly's Avatar

    Ghaly said:


    That it has been done, I know that.
    I just don't think the lyrics are correct, my dear.
    - Racism is not far, it is in everybody's nature. Detect thy fears, thy prejudices, and live in unison with these fears and every being that does not harm thee.