English translation..."Anna Tatangelo"...."Amo la vita"

Thread: English translation..."Anna Tatangelo"...."Amo la vita"

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  1. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:

    Default English translation..."Anna Tatangelo"...."Amo la vita"

    Ciao a tutti..
    continuo a tradire laura pausini ....una bella canzone d'anna tatangelo

    Non so se il coraggio troverò
    I don't know if i will find courage
    con il fiato che non ho
    with the breath i don't have
    parlarti senza dire
    i talk to you without saying
    che questo non è amore
    that this is not love
    io gia lo so...
    i already know that
    Però quando dormo accanto a te
    however , when i sleep next to you
    sento quell'odore che
    i smell that odour that
    la pelle mi accarezza
    caresses my skin
    il cuore batte in pazza se
    my heart beats madly if
    mi spogli e poi...
    you undress me and then

    Amo la vita
    I love life
    che se ne frega
    tanto la gente se pecca poi prega,ora che ci sei tu con me...si aprirà l'universo
    many times , people make mistakes and then they beg , now that you are here with me, the universe opens
    Amo la vita disordinata
    i love the life, disorganized
    quando si aggiusta è sempre sbagliata,con un sorriso che
    when it's fixed , and always wrong...with a smile that
    mi fai vedo qui il paradiso e noi...
    u make me see the paradise here with us

    Lo sai
    u know..
    che se mi innamorerò
    that if i will be in love
    io non ti cercherò
    i won't look for you
    amare non è il caso
    love isn't the case
    aprire il cuore chiuso sai
    open the closed heart, u know
    fa più male e poi...
    it hurts more and then

    Amo la vita,amo me stessa
    i love life , i love myself
    tanto la gente che soffre,processa
    many people who suffer ,try
    ora che ci sei tu con me
    now that you are here with me
    vedo già l'infinito e noi
    i already see infinity with us

    Come note di musica noi che armonia,c'è un respiro che canta
    like musical notes, we who harmony , there is a breath that sings
    nell'immenso ci sei
    in the immensity , you exist
    ora si ti vorrei
    now ,yes, i want you
    sopra un'ombra
    on a shadow
    c'è un ombra piu lunga sei tu
    there is a longer shadow, it's you
    è un riflesso di noi non si stancherà mai
    it's a reflect of us , it will never get tired

    Amo la vita
    ombre nell'universo
    vedo qui il paradiso e noi
    vedo gia l'infinito e noi

    again and again i think he who will bother himself correcting my faults
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Amo la vita che se ne frega/ I love the devil-may-care/heedless/careless life (literally "a life which doesn't give a damn about anything)

    tanto la gente se pecca poi prega/ after all, if people commit sins then they pray (for forgivness)

    quando si aggiusta è sempre sbagliata,/ it always gets wrong/bad when you fix it
    con un sorriso che mi fai vedo qui il paradiso e noi.../ with one smile that you give me I can see here paradise and us

    tanto la gente che soffre,processa/ after all, who suffers puts on a trial/criticizes
    Last edited by Ligeia; 10-23-2011 at 08:49 AM.
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:


    mmm , some more explanation please for this translation :
    Amo la vita che se ne frega/ I love the devil-may-care/heedless/careless life (literally "a life which doesn't give a damn about anything)

    what's "frega" exactly ? which verb ?...i looked uo for "fregare" and it was: cheat , rub...i don't know ..
    whay tanto = after all ?..
    lots of thanks
  4. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    "To rub/ to scrub" are commonly translated with "sfregare".

    "Fregare" is colloquial and it has different meaning.
    -"Fregare qualcuno" is like "imbrogliare/ingannare/truffare" means "to rip off/cheat/trick somebody".
    Ex: Non sono riuscito a fregarlo!= I couldn't trick him!

    -"Fregare qualcosa" is like "rubare" and it means "to steal something".
    Ex: Quella scimmia mi ha fregato i soldi= That monkey stole my money

    -"Fregarsene (di qualcosa/qualcuno)" is a bit like "infischiarsene (di)/ non mi interessa niente (di)" but more "strong" and actually rather rude, it means "to couldn't care less/ don't give a damn (about something/someone )".
    Ex: Non me ne frega niente di quello che pensi= I don't give a damn about what you think.
    Me ne frego delle conseguenze!"= I don't give a damn about the consequences

    I don't know well how to explain the "tanto" affair...mmm let's see...
    In your case it cannot be an adjective for it doesn't coincide with the number and gender of "persone", it should've been "tante persone".
    The meaning it has here is similar to "dopotutto/in ogni caso".
    I think you can find something here:
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  5. DR__ADEL's Avatar

    DR__ADEL said:


    thanks alot ligeia, now i got it all right