
Thread: Emma

Tags: emma
  1. Floryn's Avatar

    Floryn said:

    Cool Emma

    Find me here and if you want just add me http://www.facebook.com/FlorynfANNAtikos
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    Maledetto quel giorno

    guarda che temporale un giorno da raffreddore dove sei?/ what a storm, a cold day and where are you
    che sono ancora ad aspettarti/ i'm still waiting for you
    un anestetico artificiale faccio finta di non sentire/ artificial anaesthetic i pretend not to feel anything
    fino a che mi addormento non resta più niente/ till i fall asleep and nothing is left
    la gente torna da lavorare/ people come home from work
    si fa compagnia col televisore/ and the television keeps them company
    e a tuo modo la mia compagnia sei tu/ and. in your own way, you are my company
    quanto mi capita di sbagliare/ so many times i make mistakes
    sempre vicina all’imperfezione/ always close to imperfection
    quanto mi manchi quanto quanto mi manchi/ i miss you so much

    non credevo di starci male/ i never thought i would have felt so bad
    maledetto quel giorno al mare/ cursed be that day at the sea
    che ti ho visto passare/ when i saw you passing by
    guardarmi/ and look at me
    il destino in un attimo ci ha fregati/ fate tricked us in just one second
    impossibile da trattenere/ impossible to hold back
    come il mare dentro ad un bicchiere/ like the sea in a glass
    irruente passione per cui in un istante/ impetuous passion so that in one moment
    è sbocciato un eterno amore/ an eternal love bloomed
    ma di eterno non aveva niente il nostro amore / but there was nothing everlasting in our love
    maledetto quel giorno/ cursed be that day

    senti che confusione sarebbe un giorno da festeggiare dove sei?/ listen to all this confusion, it should be a day to celebrate and where are you
    che passo il tempo ad immaginarti/ i'm spending my time imaging you
    è una parentesi estemporanea/ 'tis an improvised break
    faccio finta di non capire/ i pretend not to understand
    fino a che mi accontento e non sento più niente/ till i feel content and then nothing more
    la gente stanca di lavorare/ people tired of working
    si mette allegria col televisore/ cheer up watching tv
    e a tuo modo la mia allegria sei tu/ and, in your own way, you're my cheerfulness
    quanto mi capita di sbagliare/ so many times i make mistakes
    sempre vicina all’imperfezione/ always close to imperfection
    quanto mi manchi quanto quanto mi manchi/ i miss you so much

    non credevo di starci male/ i never thought i would have felt so bad
    maledetto quel giorno al mare/ cursed be that day at the sea
    che ti ho visto passare/ when i saw you passing by
    guardarmi/ and look at me
    il destino in un attimo ci ha fregati/ fate tricked us in just one second
    impossibile da trattenere/ impossible to hold back
    come il mare dentro ad un bicchiere/ like the sea in a glass
    irruente passione per cui in un istante/ impetuous passion so that in one moment
    è sbocciato un eterno amore/ an eternal love bloomed
    ma di eterno non aveva niente il nostro amore / but there was nothing everlasting in our love
    maledetto quel giorno/ cursed be that day
    ma di eterno non aveva niente la nostra storia / but there was nothing "everlasting" in our story
    maledetto quel giorno/cursed be that day
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    mostrami i segni delle tue ferite/ show me the scars of your wounds
    che mi sembrano guarite già da un pò/ that seem to have been healed for some time now
    guardati quest’attitudine ti rende meno fragile/ look at yourself, this aptitude makes you less frail
    ma poco credibile/ but not much trustworthy
    mi hai detto ti amo non mi ricordo/ did you say me "I love you"? I can't remember
    cercavo amore e alla fine mi ero illusa fossi te/ i was seeking love and in the end, i deluded myself that it could be you
    cercavo amore ma alla fine ho avuto tutto tranne/ i was looking for love but in the end i got everything except
    cercavo amore e alla fine ho anche creduto fosse in te/ i was seeking love and in the end i've even believed it could have been in you
    cercavo amore ma alla fine ho sparato contro te/ i was looking for love but in the end i shot you

    spingiti oltre questo egemonico silenzio/ go beyond this hegemonic silence
    e spogliati di ogni tua banalità/ and get rid of every triviality
    mi hai detto ti amo non mi ricordo/ did you say me "I love you"? I can't remember
    cercavo amore e alla fine mi ero illusa fossi te/ i was seeking love and in the end, i deluded myself that it could be you
    cercavo amore ma alla fine ho avuto tutto tranne/ i was looking for love but in the end i got everything except
    cercavo amore e alla fine ho anche creduto fosse in te/ i was seeking love and in the end i've even believed it could have been in you
    cercavo amore ma alla fine ho sparato contro/ i was looking for love but in the end i shot
    l’amore che mi prometteva di baciarmi abbracciarmi idolatrarmi/ the love which promised me to kiss me, hold me,worship me
    mi hai detto ti amo non ti conosco/ did you say i love you? i don't know you
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  4. Floryn's Avatar

    Floryn said:


    Ligeia mille grazie!!! Thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate!!!
    Find me here and if you want just add me http://www.facebook.com/FlorynfANNAtikos
  5. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    You're welcome!
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"