Ayman Zabeeb- Eza feeki

Thread: Ayman Zabeeb- Eza feeki

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  1. noone1234 said:

    Smile Ayman Zabeeb- Eza feeki

    Also I need help with a song and for some reason it won't let anyone post any new post so I'm here with you on help with translating Soooo

    Can someone please help me with this song, I would like to understand it better and it would do me very good if you can translate to arabic song to English, the song is- Ayman Zabeeb- eza feki ... Please help me out
  2. amouna said:


    اذا فيكي - If You Can

    عم فتش عانسانه تفهم حبي حناني - Am searching for somone to understand my love, my compasion.
    اعشقها ودوب بهواها مابعمري اقدر انساها ولابعمراه تنساني - To adore her,and die for her love,and wont be able to forget her,and she wont be able to forget me.

    اذا فيكي تكوني هيه عيشي بروحي وعني خلي عنوانك بقلبي جوا قلبك عنواني - If you can be her,then live inside of me,and let my heart be ur address,and in ur heart my address will be.

    انا بدي الي بحبه تحسسني انو وجوده كان نقصني اشكيله تشكي هما كل مجت صوبي بضمه ضمتها تنسيني كياني - I want the one i love to make me feel that she was waiting for to make her be complete,to complain about our worries for each others,and whenever she gets near me with her embrace she would make me forget all about my entity(existence)

    اذا فيكي تكوني هيه عيشي بروحي وعني خلي عنوانك بقلبي جوا قلبك عنواني - If you can be her ,then live inside of me,and let my heart be ur address,and in ur heart my address will be.

    بدي الي بحبه تنسيني كل شي ضيعتو من سنيني ضل حده مني قريبي كل ماتقلي ياحبيبي تنقلني على عالم تاني - I want the one i love to make me forget all i about the years i have lost, to stay next to her,whenever she says to me "baby" she would take me to another world.

    اذا فيكي تكوني هيه عيشي بروحي عني خلي عنوانك بقلبي جواقلبك عنواني - If you can be her,then live inside of me,and let my heart be ur address,and in ur heart my address will be.

    There you go some idioms are not 100% accurate..but i tried my best to convey the meaning. Hopefully this was helpfull for u.
    Ami-J ^_^
  3. noone1234 said:


    U did and that you, but if anyone else thinks its a little diffrent please help, thank u very much