[Moroccan-Dutch]Rap'nB Flavor - Mon Akidi & Bedrogen Liefde <3

Thread: [Moroccan-Dutch]Rap'nB Flavor - Mon Akidi & Bedrogen Liefde <3

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  1. aila's Avatar

    aila said:

    Default [Moroccan-Dutch]Rap'nB Flavor - Mon Akidi & Bedrogen Liefde <3

    please someone translate this. chokran ... sorry I didn't find any lyric. both liefje Molotova en Amaryn, I guess need your help dank jullie beiden

    1st song - Mon Akidi


    2nd song - Bedrogen Liefde

    Last edited by aila; 02-11-2012 at 10:04 AM.
  2. aila's Avatar

    aila said:


    for song number 2, here have lyric within it (even not complete)

    and also found out meaning the conversation beginning the clip too:
    Guy 1: I dunno, she is the only one I have. later she will gone, and what should I do?
    Guy 2: Listen to me, everything is going well with your daughter. My son will be good to her. Don't worry!
    Last edited by aila; 02-11-2012 at 10:05 AM.
  3. Molotova's Avatar

    Molotova said:

    Default Bedrogen Liefde - [B]Broken love[/B]

    Je hebt het moeilijk, maar je houdt jezelf in de situatie waar je in bent beland. Het is niet makkelijk om verder te gaan & het verleden te vergeten.
    You're having a hard time, but you're keeping yourself in the situation where you landed in. It's not easy to continue and forget about the past.

    Het ging niet, wat nu ? Ga verder. ho* dan ? Ik weet niet ho* ik verder kan.
    It didn't work, what now ? Continue. How ? I don't know how I can continue.

    Je vraagt jezelf af: Waarom moet mij dit overkomen ?
    U ask yourself, Why should this happen to me ?


    And then a Dutch guy raps, but he is rapping so fast and using dialect, I can't completely understand him. The title means: Broken love.

    I tried to find the lyrics online, so I could translate them, but I didn't find it, I'm sorry habibti ...


    Hou je handen uit elkaar schat
    Keep your hands seperated babe

    Lief je wou de wereld gaan verkennen, maar bij voorbaat al verloren van de maashoop
    Dear, you wanted to go and explore the world, but in advance you were already lost

    Een maagd onderdoorgaand aan de lichtjes van die niet wetend
    A virgin that's going down by the lights of those who don't know (i don't understand this sentence either)

    Dat mannen jaren doorgeven nu, spreken van principes
    Men pass years through, talking about principles

    Je weet het is geen liefde
    U know it isn't love

    Geen geven en nemen
    No giving and taking

    Maar alleen maar leven we van diensten
    But we only live from services

    Ja deze strijd verlies je
    Yes, this struggle you will lose

    Kijk naar een meisje van 12
    Look at a 12 year old girl

    Het begin van d'r leven springt naar het eind van het verhaal
    The beginning of her life jumps to the end of the story

    De kaften gelezen
    Read the covers

    Omslachtig sprak de omslag van een lotgenoot
    The cover of a companion talked devious

    Alleen deze nam de benen
    Only this one ran away

    Ze zocht naar gelijkenissen en vond de herkenning, geen happy ending
    She was looking for similarities and found the recognition, no happy ending

    Nou als ik doorga, dan bepaal ik zelf mijn bestemmingen
    Well if I go through, I will decide my own destinations

    Ren ik weg
    I run away
    Last edited by aila; 02-11-2012 at 10:11 AM.
    1 <3
  4. Molotova's Avatar

    Molotova said:


    If you could just get me the lyrics, I would be pleased to translate everything ! I feel like such a loser for not understanding my own language. Lol. But there are so many dialects and they speak so freaking fast that I don't get it.
    Maybe Amaryn gets it better since he is from Holland and I am from Belgium ?
    1 <3
  5. aila's Avatar

    aila said:


    dank je habibti... you already did a great job
    Last edited by aila; 02-09-2012 at 09:59 PM.
  6. aila's Avatar

    aila said:


    liefje Molotova<3 thanks a lot for your efforts you rock!