searching for days, show me this forum rocks :)

Thread: searching for days, show me this forum rocks :)

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  1. kareltje said:

    Default searching for days, show me this forum rocks :)

    Hi everyone,

    I heard this song ( from a flash movie. I really really like it. It's in my head for days now. I know I have heard it before but I can't figure it out ! I can't understand the lyrics so searching is hard.

    It sounds to me like some kind of movie trailer or soundtrack.

    Anyone has any idea who it is from or what movie it is from ?

    I would really appreciate it !
  2. Jayelsea said:


    here you go. I uploaded the mp3 for you and it's the full length song not the short.
  3. kareltje said:


    Thanks guys

    I already found it from the soundtrack plunkett and maclaine.
    I have listened to it over and over again together with the song "hanging" from the same album. It was in fact this song I remembered from the spiderman 2 theatrical trailer . Escape is just the faster version

    anyway big thanks to you guys and to the forum

    Yeah !! the version you uploaded is a hanging + escape in 1 Whoohooo Im gonna listen to this for weeks !!