arabic can someone translate this song ? اخخخ يا خسارة !

Thread: arabic can someone translate this song ? اخخخ يا خسارة !

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  1. cesia.princess said:

    Smile arabic can someone translate this song ? اخخخ يا خسارة !

    مصطفى كامل - ياخسارة الرحلة
  2. Gole Yas said:


    يا خساره الرحله
    Oh what a waste the journey was
    يا خساره الرحله اللى خدتنى و اللى نادتنى و اللى يارتنى ما كنت مشيتها
    Oh what a waste te journey was, that which took me, and called out for me, the one I wish I never took
    رحله ألمى رحله ندمى رحله جرح معاك قضيتها
    The journey of my pain, the journey of my remorse, the journey of the wound that I spent with you
    كنت شارب ويل و هم نار و حزن جرح ما يتلم و الألم و الخوف صحابى
    I drunk woes and worry and fire and the sadness of a wound that can’t be put together, having pain and fear as my companion
    انت جيت نستنى جرحى أه عرفت و ذقت وياك فرحى وابتدى يرجع شبابى
    You came and made me forget my wound, oh with you I knew and tasted my happiness, and my youth began to come back
    و ابتدى الورد اللى كان ذبلان و كان قرب يموت ويصحى تانى
    And the flowers which were wilting and were about to die, started to wake up again
    وألتقاك قلبى اللى كان عايش بجراح يرسم خطوط الحلم تانى
    And my heart which was living in wounds met you, and it started to draw lines of hope again
    ده حرام عليك قلبى و حرام عليك حبى حرام عليك أنسان
    You should be forbidden from my heart, my love, and any human being
    حب وما بعش وخان
    A love that never sold out and never deceived
    انا اشوف ألم منك
    I see pain from you
    انا أذوق عذاب منك؟
    I taste torment from you
    و اشرب حنين مسموم و ارجع حزين مهموم
    And I drink poisoned tenderness, and I go back to being sad and concerned
    طيب ليه؟
    ده انا كل كلمه حب طلعت من شفايفى جد
    Every word of love that came out of my mouth was serious
    ليه شفت منك نار و قسوه ما شفتهاش من حد
    Why did I see fire and cruelty I never saw from anyone else
    سودت ليه الدنيا فى عنيا
    Why did you darken the world in my eyes?
    وانا كنت فاكر دنيتى بتحلى
    I thought my life would be beautified
    يا خساره الرحله
    Oh what a waste the journey was
    ألف ليل عايشين فى جنه شوق و حب كل يوم بتمنى انك انت تكون نصيبى
    A thousand nights we live in heaven with yearning and love, and every day I wished that you would be my destiny
    انام فى ليلى و اقول لقمرى لا لا والله ما احس بعمرى الا وانا ويا حبيبى
    I sleep at night and I tell the moon No, I swear I can’t feel the time in my life unless it’s with my love
    كان ماليش ويا الزمان احلام ولا ليا حبيب الا انت
    I didn’t have dreams nor did I have a lover other than you
    كان ماليش نفس لهوى الآيام طول ما انا مش قريب منك انت
    I was in no mood for love if I was to be far away from you
    انا هان عليك قلبى
    My heart became worthless to you
    انا هان عليك حبى
    My love became worthless to you
    هانت عليك ايام
    And so did the days
    كانوا مليانين أحلام
    That were filed with dreams
    انا اضيع انا بأيدك
    I get lost in your hands
    و قادر تكون جلاد و نارى بأيدك تنقاد
    طيب ليه؟
    ده انا كل كلمه حب طلعت من شفايفى جد
    Every word of love that came out of my mouth was serious
    ليه شفت منك نار و قسوه ما شفتهاش من حد
    Why did I see fire from you? And cruelty I never saw from anyone else
    سودت ليه الدنيا فى عنيا
    Why did you darken the world in my eyes?
    وانا كنت فاكر دنيتى بتحلى
    I thought my life would be beautified
    يا خساره الرحله
    Oh what a waste the journey was
  3. cesia.princess said:


    thanks a lot )
  4. Gole Yas said:


    ur welcome dear
  5. cesia.princess said:


    can you help me in the other post?
  6. Gole Yas said:


    wts ur other post dear