Pls Translate this song from Nawal to English

Thread: Pls Translate this song from Nawal to English

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  1. Ofratko's Avatar

    Ofratko said:

    Default Pls Translate this song from Nawal to English

    Sorry don't have lyrics

  2. Zahich's Avatar

    Zahich said:


    hello my friend , Here is a translation to your song :

    غبت عني والشوق جابك
    You went away and nostalgia brought you

    عمري الغايب هلا بك
    my life, who were absent, welcome back

    يامسا الاشواق ياروحي
    you, evening of nostagia , you, my soul

    الهوى يسال جروحي
    The caprice is asking my wounds

    غبت وين الناس قولّي
    People , asking me about you

    انت وينك قولّي وينك
    Where are you , tell me

    الهوى مشتاق
    The caprice is aspiring

    في المحبه ابتدي من وين
    How I can tell about affection

    يا غرامي يا حبيبي
    Oh my beloved ,my darling

    شوقي لك آه بعثر كلامي
    My aspiration to you confused my talking

    ياحبيب روحي
    Oh my soul’s well-beloved

    قولي يا خلي مين اللي ياخذك مني
    Tell me fellow , who would take you away from me

    وانا اللي توقف ايامي في بابك في غيابك يا حبيب روحي
    I am the woman whose days were suspended at your door,

    في دروبك الف كلمه شوق
    At your pathways , there are thousands words of affection

    تبتدي بك تنتهي بك
    That starts and ends with you

    تضحك بنظره حبيبك
    You smile when you see your beloved

    ياحبيب روحي
    You , my soul’s well-beloved

    Good luck
  3. Ofratko's Avatar

    Ofratko said:


    Thank you Zahich. Beautiful Kuwaiti song indeed
  4. Zahich's Avatar

    Zahich said:


    You're welcome , i aslo enjoyed listening to it