Latifa - Wadeh (1999) لطيفة - واضح

Thread: Latifa - Wadeh (1999) لطيفة - واضح

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  1. veryclever1980 said:

    Default Latifa - Wadeh (1999) لطيفة - واضح

    Hi everyone, I love this song very much but I have some problems with a few lines of it.
    I know the general concept and even the meaning of some lines of it. I will put my translation of those lines here.

    Please edit my translation as well.

    Thanks in advance.


    Youtube link for this wonderful song:

    لطيفة - واضح
    (Crystal Clear)

    كل شئ في الحب واضح
    Everything in love is crystal clear
    كل شئ يا حبيبي واضح
    Everything is crystal clear my love
    وأنت مش واضح.. وواضح
    and you're not clean and clear
    أنت قاسي بشكل واضح
    You're cruel in a clear way (or you're clearly a cruel one)

    الحقيقة ساعات بتجرح.. بس أريح
    The reality hurts every passing hours ... it's enough, just give it a rest
    وأنت لو ريحت قلبي تستريح
    and if you give it a rest, my heart will rest (too)
    لو تقوللي كلام واضح
    whether give me a clear word (of love)
    أو عتاب وملام واضح
    or (punish me with) a clear reprimand and rebuke
    نبقى زي أتنين أحبه
    خطهم في الحب واضح

    كل كلمة من كلامك
    Every word of your phrases
    بألف شكل وألف معنى
    Has thousands of forms and meanings (can be interpreted in thousands of ways)
    وأنت لو واضح غرامك
    كان ح يبقى أحلى معنى
    عشت أنا أيام
    I have lived so many days
    مع الأوهام
    with (sweet) dreams
    في عذاب وآلام
    (and) in torture and pain

    العواطف لو تسيبني
    ح ألقى كل الصعب هيِّن
    وانت خطك مش عاجبني
    حتى قلبك مش حنين
    Even your heart is not kind (to me)
    طال عذابي سنين..
    It lingers on my torture for years
    وأسأل مين..
    and I wonder why
    وضوحك فين
    Where is your clarity

    لو تقوللي كلام واضح
    whether give me a clear word (of love)
    أو عتاب وملام واضح
    or (punish me with) a clear reprimand and rebuke
    نبقى زي أتنين أحبه
    خطهم في الحب واضح
    Last edited by veryclever1980; 08-23-2012 at 04:58 PM.
    ***The translations have been done by Bijan Kardouni AKA veryclever1980***
  2. dark1979's Avatar

    dark1979 said:


    I do not know why‏ ‏you have
    translated this song?? It's
    very boring and that is very clear!!
  3. veryclever1980 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by dark1979 View Post
    I do not know why‏ ‏you have
    translated this song?? It's
    very boring and that is very clear!!
    Actually, as I said before, I had some problems regarding some lines and couldn't understand them very well. I just asked for help.

    btw, music is very subjective. I may love one song, and you may detest it in the extreme.

    I have so many beautiful memories with it and I do believe that Latifa is one of the best Arabian female singers ever.
    Last edited by veryclever1980; 08-24-2012 at 07:58 AM.
    ***The translations have been done by Bijan Kardouni AKA veryclever1980***