è primavera, svegliatevi bambine/ 'tis springtime, wake up young maidens
alle cascine messere Aprile fa il rubacuor/ at the farmhouses sir April is playing the heartbreaker
e a tarde sera madonne fiorentine/ and late in the evening, florentine maidens,
quante forcine si troveranno sui prati in fior/ so many hairpins will be find on the meadows
fiorin di noce, c'e poca luce ma tace pace/ little walnut blossom, there's a dim light but (there are) silence and peace
fiorin di noce, c'e poce luce/ little walnut blossom, the light is dim
fiorin di brace Madonna Bice non nega baci/ little burning flower, miss Bice never refuses a kiss
baciar le piace, che male c'è?/ she likes to kiss, what's wrong with that?
è primavera..../ 'tis springtime
fiorin dipinto, s'amava tanto nel quattrocento/ little painted flower, they used to love so much in the 15th century
fiorin dipinto, s'amava tanto/ little painted flower, they used to love so much
fiorin d'argento, madonna Amante le labbra tinte/ silver florin, miss Amante let her painted lips
persin dal vento si fa baciar.../ be kissed even by the wind
e primavera....../ 'tis springtime
madonne e fiori trionfo eterno di gioventù/ maidens and flowers, eternal triumph of youth
"-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
"-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."
"Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"