Kadem Saher - Marat Ala Baly

Thread: Kadem Saher - Marat Ala Baly

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  1. diiida28 said:

    Default Kadem Saher - Marat Ala Baly

    hi can i have the translation of these song of kazem saher pleasee!!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToBtc...qyoMTmFhK4g5zg marat ala baly
  2. diiida28 said:


    nobody can help me pleaseee?,,,
  3. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    حبيبتي مرت على بآلي اليوم
    my beloved came across my mind today

    ووقفت تقدير لها يوم مرت
    when she came across I stood up for her respect
    جابت لي الفرحه وأنا كنت مهموم
    she brought me the joy while I was concerned
    الظآهر أنها عن علومي تحرت
    it is obvious that she inspected about me

    وفراقها كوَّن في خافقي غيوم
    being away from her made a cloud above
    أمطارها على الفيافي لاخرت
    if its rain on the dropped on the extremities
    تنبت من الازهار ماكان معدوم
    then flowers blossom in a nonexistent place
    وتسر نفس من زمن ما استسرت
    and the soul that hasn't found the joy for a long time finds it again
    في حبها حسادي تكثر اللوم
    my enviers keep blaming me for loving her
    وهي ورا عوج الضلوع استقرت
    but she managed to stay behind the ribs *(she managed to stay in his heart)

    احلم بها واطيح في النوم واقوم
    I dream about her,in my sleep I fall down then get up

    فرح ـــــان

    لكن فرحتي مااستمرت
    but my happiness didn't last long
    الى صحيت أعاتب الحظ وألوم
    I woke up blaming my luck reproaching
    الأيــــــــــــام ..
    the days
    والأيام منها تبرت
    and the days have nothing to do with her
    الهجر طعنه خاين بسيف مسموم
    the stab of the neglect is with a poisoned sword
    نفسه على فعل الخيانه تضرت
    that is used to stab with betrayal
    و من يحرم من العشق يعيش محروم
    the one who lives without passion,lives in deprivation
    كم روح من قآل الوڝال استضرت
    how many souls were caused misfortune from love
    لاجيت أنــــــــام ...
    If i come to sleep
    النفس ماتعشق النوم
    then the soul doesn't love to sleep
    حاولت أقنعها لكنها أصرت
    I tried to convince it (soul) but it insisted

    تبغي حبيبه قلبي الغاليه دوم
    my beloved always stays
  4. diiida28 said:


    thanks a lot larosaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you do a great jobbb thnkssssssssss
  5. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    you're welcome