Hello everyone.. Hope everyone had a great new year and wish you all a healthy and happy new year..

i need some help with some palestinian songs. two of them.. im sorry i dont know artists because they are more folklorics songs..

The first one. is "Falasteen Arabiyia" its on youtube by Fahim Dandan
here is the link...


i got most of it but not all of it. if you can write out the "mawal" as well that would be great but the song is what i really need. thanks i know im asking alot.. what i would reallly appreciate is the english transliteration as i do not read arabic.. for example.. to be written out " falasteen arabiya, arabiya al qibla al o2la wl qadiya, arabiya" you know in english but arabic lol, but if not then arabic font is fine i can have someone translate for me..

Thank you...

The other request i have is a folkloric song for falasteen al 7abiba... Its called or goes.. " Beladi arabiya, milyana 7uriya... then says.. "youma jaweezeeni bent Flisteeniya, bladi arabiya.. something like that. I know its a long shot.. this one i dont have a link so someone that is familiar with Palestian music will know the song and i need your help..

Much thanks and love.

i hope someone knows what im asking and can help.. i have spent months looking for them and no luck ..

Thank you all God Bless