Hakim - Oyouno Nar

Thread: Hakim - Oyouno Nar

Tags: hakim egypt morocco
  1. celiadaniele's Avatar

    celiadaniele said:

    Red face Hakim - Oyouno Nar

    Hello guys,

    could anyone translate and put transliterated lyrics of this songs? Thanks in advance! :*

  2. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    Some things i don't understand but here it is


    عيونه نار..شفايفه نار
    Oyoono nar shafayfoo nar
    Her eyes are like fire, her lips are like fire
    خدوده وردتين
    Khoododo warditen
    Her cheeks are two roses
    شغلني يوم..ما دوقت نوم
    Shaghalni yom ... ma do2t nom
    She pertubes me the day ... i don't taste the sleep (at night)
    سهرت اقول ياعين
    Sahart a2ol ya 3ein
    I spent the night awake and say "oh my eyes"

    وايه ايه ... اه اه
    W eh ... ah ah

    قلك لو بصيت لعيونه تدوب من نظرة عين
    2alak law bassit la3yoono tdoob men nazret 3ein
    They say if you look at her eyes you'll melt from a glance
    They say (litt. he told you)
    قلك سحر شفايفه جنونه مفيش فجمالها اتنين
    2alak sahr shafayfo gonoon mafish figmalo etneyn
    They say the charm of her lips drives you crazy there's no two beauty like her
    They say

    قلك والله ده رمش عنيه قاسي ويدبح مين حواليه
    2alak wallah da ramsh 3aynih 2assi w yedbah min 7awalih
    They say her eyelashes kill you as they are too beautiful

    حتي شفايفه الضحكه هتخدك متقولكش لفين
    7ata shafayfoo ezze7ka htkhadek mat2olksh lfin
    Even her lips, her smile, .........(?)


    سقفوله يلا
    Sa2afoloh Yalla !
    Clap your hands for her, yalla !

    ايه أه
    Eh ! Ah !
    أه ايه
    Ah ! Eh !

    نظرة عيونه خيال رقه ودلع وجمال
    Nazrat yoyonoo khayal re2a wa dala3 w gamal
    Her look (eyes) is like a dream as her sweetness, her attitude and beauty

    اوصف خدوده ولا عوده ولا هوصف ايه
    awsef khododo wa la 3ooda wa la hawsef eh
    خلا العوازل فيه تغازل لما شافوا عنيه
    Khala el3awazel fih ta3azel lama shafoo 3eineh

    نظرة عيونه خيال رقه ودلع وجمال
    Nazrat 3oyoono khayal re2a w dala3 w gamal
    Her look (eyes) is like a dream as her sweetness, her attitude and beauty


    وايه ايه ... اه اه
    W eh ... Ah Ah
    رقص يلا
    Ra2ess yalla !
    Dance Yalla !

    ايه أه
    Eh ! Ah !
    أه ايه
    Ah ! Eh !

    كل العيون عشقاه كل القلوب ريداه
    Kol el 3oyoon 3ash2a kol el oloob rayda
    All the eyes are in love (everybody) all the hearts are acquired to her

    اه من حلاوته من شقاوته من حنانه اه
    Ah men 7alawto men sha-awto men 7anaho ah
    Ah from her beauty from her cutiness from her kindness

    من نني عينه رمش عينه لففوني وراه
    Men nan 3ino ramsh 3eino lawtekoni warah

    كل العيون عشقاه كل القلوب ريداه
    Kol el 3oyoon 3ash2a kol el oloob raydeh
    All the eyes are in love (everybody) all the hearts are acquired to her

  3. celiadaniele's Avatar

    celiadaniele said:


    Thanks a lot!