Need lyric translation Koul da kan Lih (Koli Da Kan Lih) Mohamed abdel wahab

Thread: Need lyric translation Koul da kan Lih (Koli Da Kan Lih) Mohamed abdel wahab

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  1. Gemma Arnaiz said:

    Default Need lyric translation Koul da kan Lih (Koli Da Kan Lih) Mohamed abdel wahab

    I just fall in love with this song,
    anyone can tranlate the lyrics?
    Or just say what about is telling
  2. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    كل ده كان ليه

    كل ده كان ليه لمَا شفت عنيه
    حن قلبي اليه وانشغلت عليه
    كل ده كان ليه كان ليه

    قال لي كم كلمه يشبهوا النسمه في ليالي الصيف
    سابني وفقلبي شوق بيلعب بي وفي خيالي طيف
    غاب عني بقى له يومين ما اعرفش وحشني ليه
    احترت اشوفه فين وان شفته اقول له ايه

    اللي حيرني واللي غيرني واللي فاتني فحال
    نام وسهرني والا فاكرني والا مش عالبال
    صبحني فهم وويل من طول ما بفكر فيه
    نساني انام الليل خلاني ابات اناجيه
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  3. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:


    Here goes my attempt.. Comments either to improve or correct the translation are welcome.


    كل ده كان ليه لمَا شفت عنيه
    Koull dah kan lyeh lamma shouft 3anyeh
    Why did all this happen when I looked in her eyes ?
    حن قلبي اليه وانشغلت عليه
    7ann 2albi ilyeh w enshaghalt 3alyeh
    My heart desired her and I dedicated myself to her
    كل ده كان ليه كان ليه
    koull dah kan lyeh
    Why did all this happen ?

    قال لي كم كلمه يشبهوا النسمه في ليالي الصيف
    2alli kam kilma yeshbahou ennesma fi layali esseyf
    How mach words she told me ! They were like a breeze in summer nights
    فاتني وفقلبي شوق بيلعب بي وفي خيالي طيف
    Fatni we f2albi shou2 yel3ab bi we fi khayali teef
    She left me and the longing is playng with my heart .A phantom in my imagination
    غاب عني بقى له يومين ما اعرفش وحشني ليه
    Ghab 3ani ba2a lou youmayn ma a3rafsh wa7ashni lyeh
    She has gone away from me for two days .I don't know why I miss her
    احترت اشوفه فين وان شفته اقول له ايه
    a7tart ashoufou fen w inn shouftou a2oul lou lyeh
    I am confused, where will I meet her ? And what will I tell her if I meet her ?

    اللي حيرني واللي غيرني واللي فاتني فحال
    Elli 7ayarni w elli ghayarni w elli fatni fi7al
    She who confused me , changed me and left me alone
    نام وسهرني والا فاكرني والا مش عالبال
    Nam we saharni walla fakerni walla moush 3abal
    Did she sleep and keep me awake ? Does she think about me or not ?
    صبحني ف هم وويل من طول ما بفكر فيه
    Saba7ni f hamm w wayl min toul ma bafakar fieh
    Sorrow and affliction waked me up while I thought about her
    نساني انام الليل خلاني ابات اناجيه
    Nasani anam ellayl khallani abat ana gyeh
    She made me forget how to sleep and spend the night whispering to her
    Last edited by gbasfora; 07-04-2015 at 02:30 PM.
  4. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:

    Default Mohammad Asaf version

  5. Gemma Arnaiz said:


    Have all my gratitude!!! thannnks a lot

    Quote Originally Posted by gbasfora View Post
    Here goes my attempt.. Comments either to improve or correct the translation are welcome. I couldn't translate the last verse.


    كل ده كان ليه لمَا شفت عنيه
    Koull dah kan lyeh lamma shouft 3anyeh
    Why did all this happen when I looked in her eyes ?
    حن قلبي اليه وانشغلت عليه
    7ann 2albi ilyeh w enshaghalt 3alyeh
    My heart desired her and I dedicated myself to her
    كل ده كان ليه كان ليه
    koull dah kan lyeh
    Why did all this happen ?

    قال لي كم كلمه يشبهوا النسمه في ليالي الصيف
    2alli kam kilma yeshbahou ennesma fi layali esseyf
    How mach words she told me ! They were like a breeze in summer nights
    فاتني وفقلبي شوق بيلعب بي وفي خيالي طيف
    Fatni we f2albi shou2 yel3ab bi we fi khayali teef
    She left me and the longing is playng with my heart .A phantom in my imagination
    غاب عني بقى له يومين ما اعرفش وحشني ليه
    Ghab 3ani ba2a lou youmayn ma a3rafsh wa7ashni lyeh
    She has gone away from me for two days .I don't know why I miss her
    احترت اشوفه فين وان شفته اقول له ايه
    a7tart ashoufou fen w inn shouftou a2oul lou lyeh
    I am confused, where will I meet her ? And what will I tell her if I meet her ?

    اللي حيرني واللي غيرني واللي فاتني فحال
    Elli 7ayarni w elli ghayarni w elli fatni fi7al
    She who confused me , changed me and left me alone
    نام وسهرني والا فاكرني والا مش عالبال
    Nam we saharni walla fakerni walla moush 3abal
    Did she sleep and keep me awake ? Does she think about me or not ?
    صبحني ف هم وويل من طول ما بفكر فيه
    Saba7ni f hamm w wayl min toul ma bafakar fieh
    Sorrow and affliction waked me up while I thought about her
    نساني انام الليل خلاني ابات اناجيه
    Nasani anam ellayl khallani abat ana gyeh
    Nights sleep have forgotten me ??????? left me
  6. Gemma Arnaiz said:


    thanks thankssss thankks!
    With all my love and gratitude!!
    best wishes for you
  7. Gemma Arnaiz said:


    we are in love with this man!!!
    Thanks for the version!
  8. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:


    you are welcome