Please translate:Eissa - Ammar عيسى - عمار

Thread: Please translate:Eissa - Ammar عيسى - عمار

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  1. Tobias Petersson said:

    Exclamation Please translate:Eissa - Ammar عيسى - عمار

    to English:

    عيسى يانبينا جيت بحب تنشر الدعوه بسلام عيسى يا نبينا مشتقين ليوم رجوعك مش كلام

    عيسى يا نبينا بسم ربى جيت عملت معجزات
    عيسى يانبينا جيت هدايه نور ورحمه للعباد

    مؤمنين بيك جيت رسول من ربنا
    يا ابن اطهر خلقه مريم ستنا

    عيسى يا نبينا بسم ربى جيت عملت معجزات
    عيسى يانبينا جيت هدايه نور ورحمه للعباد

    عيسى يانبينا جيت بأنجيل المحبه من الأله
    عيسى يانبينا بالرساله جيت تنور الحياه
    عيسى يانبينا مهما قولت مش هاوفى فيك كلام
    عيسى يانبينا طبت عند ربى وعليك السلام

    مؤمنين بيك جيت رسول من ربنا
    يا ابن اطهر خلقه مريم ستنا

    عيسى يا نبينا بسم ربى جيت عملت معجزات
    عيسى يانبينا جيت هدايه نور ورحمه للعباد
  2. hob's Avatar

    hob said:


    'Issa ya nabina jit bihob tenshar el da3wa bessalam 'issa ya nabina mooshtaqeen liyom rajoorooka mesh kalam
    Jesus our prophet you came with love to call us (to teach the principle of religion) with peace , Jesus our prophet we need today your return, not just words

    'Issa ya nabina bessm rabi jit 3amalt moo3jazat
    Jesus our prophet with the name of our Lord you came and did miracles

    'Issa ya nabina jit hadiya noor wa rahma lel 3ibad
    Jesus our prophet you came as a gift of light and mercy to the servants (people)

    Moo'mineen bik jit rassool men rabna
    We believe in you, you came as a messenger of our Lord

    Ya ebn ettahar khaliqa mariam satana
    Son of the Pure (God) He created our Lady Mary

    'Issa ya nabina bessm rabi jit 3amalt moo3jazat
    Jesus our prophet with the name of our Lord you came and did miracles

    'Issa ya nabina jit hadiya noor wa rahma lel 3ibad
    Jesus our prophet you came as a gift of light and mercy to the servants (people)

    'Issa ya nabina jit bi enjil el muhaba men el ala
    Jesus our prophet you came with the beloved Gospel from the above

    'Issa ya nabina bel rissala jit tanawar el 7ayat
    Jesus our prophet you came with the message to illuminate life

    'Issa ya nabina mahma qolt mesh hawaf fik kalam
    Jesus our prophet whatever you said there's no (???) in your words

    'Issa ya nabina tabet 3end rabi w 3alik el salam
    Jesus our prophet (??) with our Lord and peace be upon you

    Moo'mineen bik jit rassool men rabna
    We believe in you, you came as a messenger of our Lord

    Ya ebn ettahar khaliqa mariam satana
    Son of the Pure (God) He created our Lady Mary

    'Issa ya nabina bessm rabi jit 3amalt moo3jazat
    Jesus our prophet with the name of our Lord you came and did miracles

    'Issa ya nabina jit hadiya noor wa rahma lel 3ibad
    Jesus our prophet you came as a gift of light and mercy to the servants (people)
  3. Tobias Petersson said:

