Song on Target comercial

Thread: Song on Target comercial

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  1. bravesgurl500's Avatar

    bravesgurl500 said:

    Question Song on Target comercial

    I was just watching TV and this Target commercial came on with a really cool song on it. All they say is "la-teda-teedaa"

    Can somone tell me what it is?

  2. logan01's Avatar

    logan01 said:


    "La Ti Da" by The Icicles. Go here for free download. The Icicles - Listen You'll probably want Sugar Sweet also. Enjoy.
  3. bravesgurl500's Avatar

    bravesgurl500 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by logan01 View Post
    "La Ti Da" by The Icicles. Go here for free download. The Icicles - Listen You'll probably want Sugar Sweet also. Enjoy.

    How do you download it? Im kinda confused,lol.
  4. logan01's Avatar

    logan01 said:


    When you left click on the song title to listen, does it play in Windows Media Player? If so, after the song has finished, left click on the file button in WMP, then left click on "save as". Pick the folder where you want to save the file to and give it the filename you desire. Lastly, click save. This procedure should be similar for other audio players such as Real Player, etc. There's other ways to save the file however, this should work for you. Let us know if you need additional help.
  5. bravesgurl500's Avatar

    bravesgurl500 said:


    it dosent go to the media player. it opens in a totally new web page with the little playing bar in the middle of it. I think it has something to do with quicktime.
  6. logan01's Avatar

    logan01 said:


    Ok, do this. After the song has played in quicktime, copy the url at the top of yout browser. Open WMP. Left click on file. Let click "open url". A window will appear. Paste the url you just copied. Click "ok". After the song completes, go back to file and click "Save as". In the save as box, you can select the folder where you want to store it as well as give a new file name if you wish. You're finished. If you can't get through these instructions, let me know. Let me know regardless. We'll get you through this even if I have to upload it so that you can download it. Hang in there.
  7. bravesgurl500's Avatar

    bravesgurl500 said:

    Smile Thanks!

    Thank you so much! It downloaded. I appreciate the help.
  8. logan01's Avatar

    logan01 said:


    Great. Sorry it took so long. Hope you enjoy your song.